Re: Stuck in the middle

Art Kleiner (
Tue, 10 Jan 1995 03:08:46 -0800

Re the dilemmas of "Finding a Partner":

CAC6, your story about finding someone who thinks the whole
place is FUBAR reminds me of a friend who is active in small
(I mean local) government, who went out on a limb looking for a
"partner," only to discover that the person they'd chosen was
not compatible in every respect....

The point of a "partner" is to find someone who can be honest
with you about what you're doing. That's the most important
thing. They don't necessarily have to be a co-crusader. Nor
do they have to be the-! single-! person-!

Mostly, as I understand it, they have to be honest, discreet,
unflappable, and dedicated enough to take the time to listen
to you and help you talk things out.

Art Kleiner <>