Re: Intro-Alexia (Lexy) Martin

Emily Myers (
Thu, 15 Dec 1994 08:29:47 -0500 (EST)

Your threading idea would be very useful. It would help me if the subject
lines gave used thread names (colors?). I could then scan my in mail and
read what I need to know "just-in-time." Meanwhile if Rick could archive
by thread, then we could retrieve subject as needed in the future.

A starter set might be the disciplines themselves. Right now I am trying
to figure out some tools for mental models and would like to tune in on
concurrent efforts/thoughts on that subject.

As always, the technology issue is another major area on my concention.
There is an excellent review of Lotus Notes in Fortune December 12 issue
which explains its potential in corporate re-organization.

A belated thank you for your informative demonstrations at BW!
Emily R. Myers
Mobius Project
at the Media Providence Friends School
125 W. Third Street, Media, Pa 19063
Voice (610) 388 1274 FX (610) 388 0555


Moderator's Note:
1) BW = Bretton Woods, a historic resort hotel in the White Mountains of
New Hampshire and the scene of wonderful meetings of many in the learning
organization community.
2) About archiving by thread -- I tried for a couple of days in November
to group together the list messages by thread and it was amazingly
difficult to do so. The best I can suggest is that everyone please be
careful about your subject lines, saying "Re: Old Subject" when that's
appropriate and starting with a new subject line other times.

-- Rick Karash,, host for learning-org