Intro--Hilda Tiessen

Hilda Tiessen (
Tue, 13 Dec 1994 13:30:28 -0500 (EST)

Dear list members. I have been following the discussions over the past
couple of weeks. I am excited by the potential for participating. As a
doctoral student at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the
University of Toronto, I am currently watching the list with a view to
gathering resources for a gopher. In the new Year I hope to engage in
the discussion - right now I feel the pressure of projects.

My experience with the Learning Organization concepts began in the mid
80s when I took Robert Fritz's Technologies for Creating Course with
Brian Smith in Toronto. I subsequently took the teacher training with
Robert in Boston. Since then I have participated in a number of
Innovations workshops - one on systems thinking , another with Peter
Senge where I was a support staff during the process. I am now in the
Developing Human Resources focus in Adult Education at OISE. Our
foundational course there is structured to "create" a Learning
Organization among the participants. This was a powerful experience. It
also raised many questions and concerns for me - in line with those asked
by Steve Gildersleeve ( vadebonh@ERE.UMontreal.CA),, on Dec. 7th.

I will be asking lots of questions in the New Year - but for now, Happy
Holidays. HT
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