I am in the process of writing an article for publication in French in
which we compare three approaches to developing organisations: total
quality,reengineering, and learning organisations. Our purpose is to
assist our clients in making their way around the maze of the different
developmental options that are available to them. Two of the questions
that we are using to compare the three approaches have got me thinking,
because the answer (if I can talk in terms of 'the answer") is somewhat
elusive.. This leads me to the purpose of this message: I would like to
see what comes to you when you see the following two questions:
To what organistional needs does the learning organisation approach
attempt to provide answers?
What assumption is the learning organisation based on?
Maybe there is sufficient matter to have some conversation around these
questions. This is my first attempt at participating in this mailing
list, and I will be sending this message somewhat as if I were releasing
it to the wind, not quite knowing what will become of it........a little
bit of apprehension, and a lot of anticipation.
Many thanks to George Por and to Rick Karach for helping me come aboard.
Bonne nuit a vous tous et toutes et a la prochaine.
Steve Gildersleeve
10650 rue St. Firmin
H2B 2H1