Journal of a Sabbatical

April 8, 2001

older than dirt - the presents





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It's not a party without presents. How else would you get enough wrapping paper to wrap your aunt?

Then they started piling on objects from around the living room.

Sleepy Cats by Georgette Grey, one of them is named April but I don't think the other one is named 8.

Glass cat whom I have named Sluggo 'cause at first it kind of looked like a slug to me.

Dessert plates that belonged to my great grandmother. That makes them over a hundred years old. That also makes them Canadian.

Close-up of the pattern on the plate. Can't you just hear it singing "I left my home in the Maritimes... headed down the turnpike to New England..."

Not Shown: 50 Moringa trees planted in Senegal. Very cool.


All photos by Andrea Keefe Egan.

Copyright © 2001, Janet I. Egan