Journal of a Sabbatical

February 27, 2001

somewhere over labrador

Today's Reading: Under the Frog by Tibor Fischer, In Audubon's Labrador by Charles Wendell Townsend

See 2001 Book List for reviews of the above.

On Air France - CDG to BOS - February 27, 2001

Finished Under the Frog. I could hardly put it down. Serious and funny and wonderfully researched. I could visualize the action in Budapest.

I didn't sleep well last night, partly because the trolleys outside were unusually squeaky and partly because I was worried about the project. I was up early and had showered, dressed, breakfasted, and packed before István came around.

We had about an hour's worth of work to do and then it was off to the airport. I kind of wish I had had to stay a couple of extra days because the color conifer book will be done on Wednesday and it would have been cool to bring a copy hot off the presses to Zsolt - not to mention to impress my friends, whichever friends would be impressed by such a thing.

Too bad I didn't connect with BiB. He was delayed in returning to Hungary. Maybe next trip. There will undoubtedly be a next trip with or with out the expletive deleted computer.

No problems at airports so far. I am really impatient to be home.

I finished In Audubon's Labrador just as the map on the screen showed this flight passing over Labrador.

My house - February 27, 2001

Wilbur is very happy to see me. So happy that he ran out the door and tried to run away in his joy and ecstasy. I grabbed him with one hand as I dragged the G4 through the door. He's sitting on my shoulder as I type. It's snowing big lazy flakes.


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Copyright © 2001, Janet I. Egan