Things every kewl web page
needs for its webmaster to be thought at least not totally
out of it:
- animated gifs
- photo of self
- photo of cat
- mailto: address
- hit counter
- guestbook
- navbar
- image map
- links links links
- on-line journal
- snippets of one's writing
- vacation photos
- snippets of one's art -preferably collage/assemblage
- pop culture references
- realaudio sound files
- java scripts
- quicktime movies
- a live camera - preferably pointing at something
noone in its right mind wants to see like a litterbox or
a traffic jam
- list of hobbies with links to related pages
- links to equally cool people you know or pretend to
- interactive forms
- resume/biography
- "content"
- irony
Things I want to do before I
get too old or too busy or get a real job:
- spend a night on Mount Washington in the winter
- see a Komodo dragon in the wild
- climb Mount Fuji
- visit Antarctica
- write a novel
- have a kewl web page
- see a volcano erupt
- go back to Russia
- go around the world along the 66N parallel (the
Arctic circle)
- see an ivory billed woodpecker
- swim with dolphins
- walk all 400 miles of the Rhode Island coast
- finish writing The Size of Rhode Island
- write a book about the North Cape Oil Spill
- write a children's book about Wilbur falling in love
with a cow on the set of The Crucible
- write a children's book about Igor and the swans
- go back to Japan
- Kyoto
- Hokkaido
- retrace Basho's route
- go back to New Mexico
- document all four seasons at Watchemocket Cove
- finish my Beach Road Extension broken glass sculpture
- finish bookmark/autobiographical collage I started
last year
- get a photo or three accepted into Scenic Rhode
Island Calendar
- clean the basement
- become a postfeminist
Things waiting to be read,
in various piles throughout my house:
- Moby Dick (for the 5th time) for the book
discussion on the 29th
- Blue Cross brochure for self-employed health
- letter from Tonie
- unopened holiday cards
- January issue of Natural History
- 1997 Earthwatch catalog
- 1997 Writer's Market
- application/job description for park ranger job at
Plum Island
- Rat Bohemia, Sarah Schulman
- How to Find the Work You Love, Laurence G.
- clippings Ev sent me
- latest issue of Baseball America
- A Naturalist Along the Jersey Shore, Joanna
- Alone, Admiral Richard E. Byrd
- Beachcomber's Guide from Cape Cod to Cape
Hatteras, Henry Keatts
- The Shoresaver's Handbook, Tucker Coombe
- The Atlantic Shore, John Hay
- Volcano Weather: The Story of the Year without a
Summer 1816, Henry and Elizabeth Stommel
- Galatea 2.2, Richard Powers
- Changes in the Land, ? now where did I put
- A Writer's Diary, Virginia Woolf