kingbird on fence
Journal of a Sabbatical

March 22, 1999

to the vet



Journal Index




Copyright © 1999, Janet I. Egan

I took Wilbur to the vet this morning. I brought Wilbur to the vet this morning. Wilbur and I went to the vet this morning. Wilbur went to the vet this morning and I drove. See, having grown up in New England I have this regional vocabulary dysfunction that makes me completely incapable of understanding the difference between bring and take. If a boy takes you to the dance and then brings you home, whose home is that? As an adult trying desperately to fit into society, I have tried repeating endlessly "take away" "bring to". For some reason writing "I brought Wilbur to the vet" feels strange to me even though I think it must be grammatically correct. I get the feeling that I was going to the vet anyway and brought him along for the ride. Whereas "I took Wilbur to the vet" conveys the idea that this excursion was against his will. Enough.

He's gained 2/10ths of a pound since his last appointment, which was only like 6 weeks ago for his rabies shot. He didn't want to come out of the scale. It's like a little stainless steel cave of refuge to him. This is a new technician weighing him. I have to warn her that he bites. I finally get him out of there myself with only one small scratch.

He hunkers down on the exam table with his nose pressed against my left arm and me holding him by the scruff of his neck with my right hand while Dr. P examines him. I have to go into the whole explanation again of why I want him to have the FeLV vaccine even though he's an indoor cat. I explained same to Dr. B last time but she's busy today so Dr. P get's my "I want him vaccinated because I'm exposed ..." speech. He says new research finds it's harder to transmit than previously thought but he understands my concerns etc. So my little wacko gets the distemper shot and the FeLV shot.

For the rest of the day he hides under the couch in the living room feeling punk and I feel terribly guilty. It's not like I can explain to him that he's feeling sick from the vaccine to protect him from getting sick...