Journal of a Sabbatical


June 7,1998

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Nancy and I couldn't pass up a quick trip to Watchemocket Cove after brunch despite the gathering clouds. We were rewarded with a really good view of the family of cygnets we discovered last week, plus the discovery of a second brood over near the golf course. So that's two broods of mute swans and two of Canada geese. I didn't count all the adult swans as they were dispersed across the whole expanse of the cove. The list for the day:

16 mallards
1 rock dove
6 house sparrows
a zillion starlings
13 Canada geese: 6 adults, 7 goslings
9 mute swan cygnets plus their parents (I didn't count rest of swans)
1 snowy egret
2 common terns
2 domestic geese

On the goose-who-thinks-he's-a-swan front: last week we noticed Igor was paired off with another Canada goose and they in turn were traveling with two other goose pairs. This week he was also hanging around with partner (probably the same one). Is it possible that he has realized he is not a swan after all?

The skies began to cloud over and I left to go to the nieces' piano recital at Indian Hill. A good time was had by all and the heavens opened up during the recital. Sorry no witty commentary on the recital.

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