Journal of a Sabbatical

radioactive emily revisited

April 11, 1998

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Emily's Geiger counter reading: 0.7

Todays' starting pitcher: Pedro Martinez

Now that Emily's Geiger counter reading has dropped below 1.0, we get to go pick her up and drive her home to Providence then figure out how to keep her 3 feet away from Nancy for 2 weeks!

Way later that same day:

After a brief conversation with Tom and Philosophy Larry about what beauty has to do with art (Larry's teaching an introductory aesthetics course this semester), and a quick trip to the laundromat, I sped to the bus station to pick up Nancy and the empty cat carrier. On the way to the bus station, I listened to Pedro Martinez striking out Seattle Mariners left and right. It was kinda cool.

At the bus station everybody had to look into the cat carrier to see the cute animal inside. Oops, no animal. People look puzzled but don't ask why I am standing there with an empty cat carrier while Nancy is in the restroom.

On the way to Angell Memorial, we listen to Pedro Martinez strike out yet more Seattle Mariners, including Ken Griffey, Jr. for the second time. We drive past Fenway park and imagine we can see through the wall (when I was a kid, I would always tell my folks I saw the game on the radio - I can still see on the radio - if they ever build a new ballpark, I don't know what I'll do - I guess I'll have to memorize a whole new layout so I can still see on the radio).

Finally, we are at Angell Memorial. I pay money. Nancy signs things. They tell us to go sit in the waiting room and they will bring Emily out to us. A tiny Latina girl - about 5 years old - is sitting next to us holding an even tinier black kitten. She peers into Nancy's cat carrier and looks disappointed. Nancy turns to her and says "El gato invisible" and the kid cracks up. Her Dad overhears and cracks up. He repeats the joke to all Spanish speakers within earshot. Everybody is having a good laugh about the invisible cat when a vet tech finally brings us Emily and a sheaf of instructions and nuclear medicine regulations. She is very happy to see Nancy. And now the cat carrier has a cat in it so people stop looking confused and smile at us instead.

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