Journal of a Sabbatical

greatest hits of the 70's and 80's

April 8, 1998

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The radio is on top of the refrigerator, right next to the sink. Therefore, I'm suddenly designated to listen for mention of MRFRS on Eagle 93.7 FM Greatest Hits of the 70's and 80's while I wash dishes and litterboxes. The deal is, if they mention our name and we call in within a certain amount of time, we get $1000. Think how much bleach that would buy! So, I've got one ear on the greatest hits of the 70's and 80's and one ear waiting for the dryer to stop so I can put another load in. Eagle 93.7 is saying something about Eric Clapton tickets. Roberta's ears prick up and she asks me what they said to do to win Clapton tickets. I answer that I'm not listening for Clapton tickets, I'm listening for our name so we can win the $1000. Think how much catnip that would buy! Suddenly, I am now also in charge of listening for how to win Clapton tickets for Roberta. This is too much for my burnt out 47 year old birthday brain. Who'd've thought I'd spend my 47th birthday listening to the greatest hits of the 70's and 80's and trying to win $1000 for the shelter and Clapton tickets for Roberta, all while waiting for the dryer to stop?

It's spring and romance is blossoming everywhere. The first aid kit guy brought Roberta flowers today. We teased her. "Roberta and first aid kit guy sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g/ First comes love..." She had to put the flowers in an empty cat food container next to the sink. The first aid kit guy remarked that we haven't used up much of the supplies since he was here last. I pointed out that since Pumpkin got adopted we've used way fewer bandaids.

Bob is fixing the gym thingie where the cats play. This is a big production. Jaguar is not happy. His environment is disturbed. Things are out of order and out of his control. Domino is in his favorite spot by the window. He sprays all over the place. He won't let me pet him. He finds a place to curl up and sulk.

The vet downstairs, who is also our landlady has got a brand new Harley. It's parked out back gleaming in the spring sun. It has so much chrome and studs that your average biker-dyke could have an orgasm just looking at it. Everybody looks at it, says "Nice bike" and leaves it at that.

Emily's Geiger counter reading: 2.5

Today's starting pitcher: Derek Lowe

Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me!

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