Journal of a Sabbatical

hot enough

March 31, 1998

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90 degrees. It's hot. Wicked hot. Everywhere I went, people were talking about the weatehr. I ran into Philosophy Larry in the CVS parking lot across from my therapist's office. When I told him I had to clean the closet to hunt for my shorts (which I'm wearing), he told me to put them away because the heat wave would be gone by the weekend.

I felt like I should spend the afternoon at the beach or in the woods or something. But the heat was really getting to me. I think my body just wasn't ready for it. Plus the pollen count is wicked high. My eyes are watering and I've been sneezing like crazy. So I spent the afternoon reading The Name of War by Jill Lepore.

I spent some time trying to catch up on finishing the unfinished journal entries. To that end, I decided to try out the negative scanning feature of my (relatively) new transparency adapter (the one I bought to scan in Istvan's slides). I'd already done slides with it but this was the first time I did negatives. They didn't come out well. Check out Friday's entry for pictures of some of the 10,000 ways to descend/ascend a slide. They all look overexposed to me. I guess I need to read some documentation besides the help files to figure out what I'm supposed to set to scan these in correctly. The negatives themselves look fine, and the prints CVS made from them today look fine. It's just the scanned images that look horrible.

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