Journal of a Sabbatical

a classic nor'easter

February 24, 1998

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We're in the midst of what the media is calling a "classic nor'easter" - as opposed to a post modern nor'easter? I still think it should be pronounced "notheastah" but I am in a minority of one. The wind is howling, it's raining cats and dogs, well, actually water and pigeon feathers... A drenching rain and sideways-flying pigeons, always an exciting view from the window up here. No starlings, house sparrows, blue jays, crows, or mockingbirds visible today - just those sideways pigeons. The way the media was building this up last night, you'd've thought we were in for the second coming of the Blizzard of '78, Hurricane Bob, and the no name storm of '91 all rolled into one. But no, it's just an ordinary northeast storm. The current northeast storm map shows this storm covering a fairly large area of the northeast, but it's not in a league with the rains that have been soaking California this winter. I heard on the news last night that Big Sur is cut off from the world - Highway 1 is broken - and remembered that this is often the time of year I visit there. I like spring in Big Sur with the blue blossom trees in bloom and the poppies just coming up. I used to think of it as an escape from the unremitting grayness here. So, anyway, I was glad I'm not there on vacation sipping coffee on the deck at Nepenthe - 'cause I'd be really wet, if not washed down the cliffs into the Pacific. The Henry Miller Library's storm update from Big Sur and El Niño meets Esalen give some firsthand accounts of the damage.

And for the weather here Nor'easter Weather Center has the latest maps and forecasts.

Me? I'm staying in drinking tea, petting Wilbur, and working on Zsolt and Istvan's Excellent web page. Actually, I'm spilling tea, working on my web page, ignoring Wilbur, and procrastinating on Zsolt and Istvan's Excellent web page. Something about a nor'easter makes me feel like I should be taking the day off.

Tea with Mark is canceled tonight. We'll try again tomorrow. This storm is supposed to end sometime tomorrow afternoon.

And I'm so glad the war is canceled. Blessed are the peacemakers.

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