Journal of a Sabbatical

mockingbird vs godzilla & wilbur vs the scanner
with disk errors thrown in

February 19, 1998

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Wilbur is insanely jealous of the new Microtek scanner. It takes up the remaining space on the desk - the exact spot next to the CPU box where he likes to sit when he's not on my chest. He likes to curl up on the desk and cuddle with the CPU box - which could explain the disk errors I suppose - who knows how much cat hair has made its way inside the box. Anyway, now that the new flatbed scanner is there, he's got no room on the desk. I'm going to have to move the scanner soon anyway because with the transparency adapter on top of it, it just fits under the upper shelf that holds the monitor. That wouldn't be a problem except that I can't lift the lid high enough to slip in anything bigger than a slide. And to do that I have to pull it out a little way to the front of the desk thus not leaving room for my keyboard. I think if I move the printer someplace else and put the scanner on the printer stand, we'll all be better off - me, Wilbur, and the scanner.

As I've been moving equipment around, I keep knocking things off the desk so I moved the screaming godzilla toy from the top of the monitor to the windowsill temporarily. Wilbur and Godzilla had quite the staring contest until Wilbur realized that the thing invading his territory was not alive. I have the window open to the warm damp air and there is intensive bird activity going on out there. Just going by ear, I notice robins, starlings, blue jays, house sparrows, crows, and mockingbirds - oh, wait, pigeons and mourning doves too. The mockingbird is chasing two blue jays right in front of the window down to the neighbors' fence. Wilbur is terribly frustrated - all this action and he he can't get in on it. The house sparrows are flowing back and forth like a manic liquid in a fluid dynamics demonstration. The robin is singing "cheery lee, cheery lee" so loudly I started to wonder if it was a recording with the volume jacked up. It's wild out there.

Despite my attempts to fix this disk situation over the past week or so, the disk errors are coming fast and furious now. Oddly, the unmapped memory errors seem to have gone away. So, I ran the Norton Disk Doctor again, fixed what it found, reinstalled Mac OS 8 from the CD, rebuilt the desktop, reset the P-RAM and away we go. So far, so good. But after all this, I am way too tired to fiddle with scanning in Istvan's slides.

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