Journal of a Sabbatical

quit the finder

February 17, 1998

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The new Microtek ScanMaker E6 came today with the transparency adapter and Photoshop 4.0. Coincidentally, Istvan's slides arrived in today's mail. After a frustrating morning of trying to reinstall the Audubon North American Birds CD (whatever the real title is) and having it claim there's not enough memory and that I can't eject the CD because it's in use by the Finder so I should "quit the application 'Finder' and try again", I thought it would be more rewarding to install Photoshop. The first time I tried to install it, the Mac crashed. The second time it got all the way thru the installation and then crashed.

Meanwhile, Joan-east and Priscilla had hatched up some plot to walk over to Country Club Estates from Priscilla's house and look at the million dollar houses (one sold recently for 1.9 million) since one of them was having an open house. It's about a 35 minute walk to the Country Club and we spent about a half hour touring the house before we walked 35 minutes back, so it was quite an outing. Let me tell you, if that's all the house you get for a million dollars, I'll stick with my teensy decrepit condo. Granted the master bedroom suite is bigger than Nancy's apartment, but the non-master bedrooms are small and featureless. My favorite part was the master bathroom though. Two sinks. A jacuzzi type tub big enough for two people to sit in. A separate shower stall, also big enough for two. And windows that face directly at the house across the street's living room. I pictured the people across the street watching these people bathe each morning. The garage is wicked awesome. Three cars at least - and a spot for the golf clubs. It felt deliciously mischievous to traipse through the house in our walking getup and comment critically on the layout and the lack of architectural detail. A fun outing.

Back at the decrepit condo, I accidentally clicked on the little Now Utitlities button on the control strip at the bottom of the screen and suddenly Norton Crashguard asked me if I wanted to quit the application "Finder". So, now I know how to quit the finder.

I installed the scanner, the Microtek software, and Textbridge and I'm ready to roll. I scanned in one of Zsolt's plates (two photos of some Taiwanese conifers), which looked good. I also experimented with scanning a page from my Hokkaido travel journal:


I like the way it looks even though shrinking it down to a reasonable size makes the writing less legible. It was the stamps and the gingko leaf I wanted to show anyway.

Tomorrow maybe I'll start on Istvan's slides - I didn't hook up the transparency adapter today.

In other news, the snow storm started right on schedule at 8:20 PM. The only trouble is it was supposed to be rain.

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