Quote of the Day: "It may be gratifying to know that the statutes paid attention to personal adornment, as well as to the religious views of the community. Thus, no person not possessed of two hundred pounds was permitted to wear silks, and many women were fined for a violation of this law." - The Merrimack River: Its Source and Tributaries |
December 1, 1998 |
a huge Easter bunny in
a mint green top hat is blocking my car |
Copyright © 1998, Janet I. Egan |
![]() The building shook last night, accompanied by a loud thud. We don't get many earthquakes around here although I do remember at least two mild ones in my lifetime. The closest fault line is way offshore. But, no, the earth did not move beneath my stocking feet. The Beans of Egypt Maine slammed the door so hard things fell off my walls. They're moving out today and loud noises and building shakes have become commonplace. Trucks of various shapes and sizes have been blocking my parking spot all day. They moved a little black pickup truck so I could go out to therapy this morning and I made the mistake of thinking they were done with the trucks when I came back hours later after picking up a batch of pictures at Andover Photo, getting lunch at the Earth Food Store and gossiping over coffee with Dan and Geri at Starbucks. While I was checking email and snail mail a bigger truck pulled in and I've been trapped in here ever since. They're loading up the lawn kitsch now. The Easter bunny in the mint green top hat is standing in the parking lot next to the giant light up pumpkin with the black cat on top. The electric cords dangle like limp you know whats. They don't look so intimidating when they're not lighted up and peering in my bathroom window. If it weren't for the huge panel truck blocking both my car and my back gate, I might consider backing over the Easter bunny and his grotesque Halloween familiar as a farewell gesture. The Beans of Egypt Maine have been screaming at each other since Saturday. Mostly about boxes. They seem to have found some since yesterday, as everything except the lawn kitsch is packed in identical boxes like movers usually provide. I guess you can buy the boxes without hiring the movers. I just heard the tailgate squeaking so I looked out the window. The tableau has been joined by three more Easter bunnies and a snow man. I kid you not. One of the Easter bunnies appears to be a juvenile. It's only about 3 feet tall and is not wearing a hat. The snowman is wearing a black top hat. I guess mint green doesn't go with the red scarf. Later on... I noticed they had loaded up all the lawn kitsch and taken off in the truck so I made a break for it. I picked up some prescriptions at CVS, ate dinner at China Blossom, and filled the Auntmobile's gas tank at the Mobil station. The truck was back when I returned, this time blocking not only my parking spot but total access to my gate. The metal ramp from the truck is up on my back walk instead of theirs. I had to walk over it to get in my yard. The building just shook again. What are they moving? More importantly what are they dropping? If professional movers were this clumsy there'd be a lawsuit for sure. Teenage male Beans of Egypt Maine are howling like coyotes and smoking cigarettes while seated in the back of the truck. I pulled down the shades so I don't have to look at the glowing firesticks hanging off the tailgate of the Uhaul. The best thing about this is they and their cigarette butts will be gone soon. I hope the biker chick has hired someone to clean up the butts before the new owners take possession. At least I've made use of my time stuck in the house to read more of Song for the Blue Ocean as well as The Merrimack River: Its Source and Tributaries. I am beginning to find the coral reefs' situation as depressing as the salmon's. It makes me wonder how the author could visit all those places, talk to all those people, see all the damage, and still think there's hope for the planet. I should stick to the Bobbsey Twins. |