Journal of a Sabbatical

full house

January 17, 1998

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full house

I don't know why it never occurred to me before to look for a Full House page on the web. It definitely falls into the category of a cult show with an international following. I remember seeing it on the little tv in our cabin in Rokugo with Japanese dubbed in. I couldn't help laughing at these deep, intense, Japanese voices coming out of the mouths of the Full House cast!

There's even a Full House Web Ring linking the various Full House fan sites together. And remarkably, none of these sites were created by my nieces!

the double whammy

On a completely unrelated note, the promised second half of the double whammy storm did not materialize. It veered out to sea at the last minute. Since all the snow plowing contractors were waiting for the second blast before venturing out, we are left with frozen ruts and ridges where there should be parking lots and streets. It looks and feels like a gigantic corrugated tin roof painted dirty white out there. The trees are still wearing their frozen white coats looking like Christmas cards lost in time.

I went over to Rita's for lunch with Rita, Joan, and Claire. Rita wanted to walk but since nothing was plowed it was much too slippery. A walk would have entailed braving the middle of the road where cars careen out of control at the best of times, never mind when it's slippery underneath. A car speeding down that hill spun out at the bottom and blocked both sides of the road, so we decided we were in more danger from cars than from the snow/ice. Hence no walk. Which of course led to the ever dangerous second pot of espresso...










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