kingbird on fence
Journal of a Sabbatical

October 1, 1998

wrapped in paper



the book pile







Journal Index




Copyright © 1998, Janet I. Egan

Enterprise rent a car doesn't really come wrapped in paper.

cold front coming through this afternoon

wind knocking branches down

boy am i surprised to see fallen tree branches on Elm Street

power went out in Tewksbury and Lawrence but not in the Andovers

The wind whips the awning into a rippling frenzy. It starts to rain. A woman walks by carrying a red umbrella. Until I saw her I didn't realize it was raining. My thoughts drift from the page. I realize I am hugging my coffee cup. It feels warm and comforting against my chest and the inside of my arm. My thoughts drift out to sea, under the sea, incongrously visualizing short Galapagos penguins chasing anchovies below me as I swim along with sea lions on either side. The sharks of my thoughts are white tipped reef sharks, not the blue sharks on the page before me.