Journal of a Sabbatical

Mac OS 8

October 2, 1997

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Lowell Celebrates Kerouac

Anne Waldman

disk corruption part deux

Last night

I don't know how many more times I can stand to run disk doctor. It just finds more and more wrong. And yet, I can still boot this beast and still run all the applications except MacTCP.

So, I zipped out to CompUSA, which I hate, and bought Mac OS 8.

this morning

I slept until 11:28 AM. I don't know why. I only know that the phone rang. It was Joan-east wanting me to go for a walk with her and Priscilla. I begged off due to my knee and allergies. I sat down without so much as a cup of coffee or a pair of pants and started installing Mac OS 8. Sometime later, it was all installed. I was still half-naked and groggy. I dialed world. I couldn't connect. I checked all the config stuff 20 times. I kept dialing. It kept not connecting.

I got dressed. I went to Starbucks. I drank coffee. Batman (one of the regulars, a very strange little man who wears a Batman t-shirt all the time and bangs on the counter to establish his territory) gave me today's paper. I read same. Too many articles about that beautiful young man at MIT who drank himself to death. He was good looking. He was young. His family loved him. He was the ideal brother. He was the ideal son. He's dead. MIT announces they'll build more on campus housing so kids won't have to live in fraternities. The new housing will be ready in 3 or 4 years. There is something wrong with this picture. Kids only drink in fraternities? Kids only die in fraternities? I don't get it.

this afternoon

Anyway, I go back home at least having had some coffee. It's after 2:00PM. I feel horribly guilty at having already wasted my day. I recheck the PPP and MacTCP and modem settings another 10 times. I dial again. I connect. I fire up Eudora and download my e-mail. So far so good. A friend announces her wedding plans. I reply with congratulations. Eudora goes into a long long long long long long long wait trying to send it. I stop it. I try again. Same thing. I login via telnet and send congratulations via pine. Eudora still can't send it.

I forget the e-mail is in the queue when I dial in later to upload yesterday's journal entry and check the mail again. I get some spam. Then Eudora tries to send the outgoing mail again. It's still stuck. I am not in a mood to debug this at the moment. I am cold. I am hungry - I have eaten neither breakfast nor lunch and it's going on 4:30PM. I need to pee. I need to eat before I go into Cambridge for my meeting. I must stop fooling with this Mac and get a life.

later that same day

It's fixed. As mysterioulsy as it broke. I did not change anything and Eudora works just fine now.

I still have some disk corruption despite running Norton's disk doctor. I'm beginning to think I have a hardware problem with the disk controller, unless all the spam I've been getting lately is bringing unseen viruses with it... I dunno. I'll limp along until I get back from my trip and then spend some serious time analyzing what the hell is going on.

There's no cosmic truth here, no life lesson learned, just another day ...

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