Journal of a Sabbatical

fish jumping

September 14, 1997

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Links of the Day:

From last week: Waterplace/Waterfire


11 Atlantic mute swans
7 snowy egrets
6 black ducks
6 double crested cormorants
3 green-backed herons
2 great egrets
2 lesser yellowlegs
1 Canada goose (Igor)
1 belted kingfisher

tons of fish jumping on the incoming tide - what a feast for the cormorants and egrets - never seen this many cormorants in the cove itself - usually they are on the other side of the bike path in the harbor itself - they must know when there's good eating at ye old cormorant bar and grille

saw a cormorant swallow an eel whole

the glittering jumping fish come in two sizes - big and little - the big ones leap high and make a big splash flashing silver bellies - the little ones all jump at once and look like a school of horizontal raindrops

all this avian feasting and we develop simultaneous cravings for avocado and plum tomato salad at Cafe Paragon on Thayer Street (Thayer Street viewed from the air).

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