Journal of a Sabbatical


September 11, 1997

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fall in the Mt. Washington Valley

It's gray and foggy. The further north we get the grayer it seems. We pass the spot where we usually stop to see if there's snow on Mount Washington, but we can't see Mount Washington. The forecast is for a two day deluge starting sometime this afternoon.

After lunch we decide to try to do the Jackson hike today because it will surely rain tomorrow according to the forecast. It is humid. Wicked humid. The Jackson falls doesn't have as much water in it as last year. I think last year we came the week after the flood. A tree that was knocked down last year in the storm is caught in the rocks, totally stripped of bark now. I'm sweating like crazy and this is not that strenuous a hike. I don't really get into the rhythm of being here. Somehow I feel like I'm doing this hike because we always do this hike. It's formulaic. I head straight for the green metal bridge at the top. Joan-east and Claire are clambering around on the rocks. Last year we couldn't walk out into the falls on the rocks without danger of being swept away, but it's safe this year. Rita is walking up the trail next to the road taking pictures of Joan-east on the rocks. Joan-east takes a picture of me waving to her from the bridge.

I wander off and start photographing mushrooms. They are huge and colorful. Mushrooms, poison ivy, and a few swamp maples provide the color. The sky is gray and most of the trees are still green. The air is getting heavier. And heavier. I am convinced it will rain any minute.

The downhill walk is very steep and my knee starts complaining so when we get back to the car I decline to walk the extra loop around the golf course through the covered bridge. I tell them I'll meet them at the Jack Frost Shop. I grab a bunch of letters and things to mail out of my car and go stand in line at the post office. Once I've mailed everything, I buy a Gatorade and some postcards at the deli and limp along the river walk photographing mushrooms. I don't ever remember this many mushrooms.

It starts to rain. I go inside the Jack Frost Shop and browse at the overpriced ski clothes. The scents of potpourri and candles start to get to me. Just as I'm leaving, the other walkers arrive. I hang around outside while they browse the overpriced ski clothes. I don't have Rita's patience to identify an item and wait months until it goes on sale at an affordable price. It would never occur to me to buy my winter clothes in the spring.

It has stopped raining but the air is heavy. We stop in North Conway to rent a video on the way back. They pick The First Wives Club.

Rita makes her trademark pesto sauce for supper and we watch the movie. I'm ready for bed at 9:00!

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