Journal of a Sabbatical

gray humidity, shayne bennett, brian toxin, and the gap

September 2, 1997

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Links of the Day:

The Roo Report


As I'm writing this, fellow on-line journaler Shayne Bennett of The Roo Report is pitching for the Montreal Expos against the Red Sox. He just gave up a home run to John Valentin. It's tied at 5. Thanks, Shayne!

With the heavy gray skies, the Red Sox flagship station is actually coming in loud and clear. There are some nights when WEEI is impossible to stay tuned to and yet I can get the Expos flagship station (and practice my French). I wish the Red Sox would add a station in the Merrimack Valley (I know, I know, they have one in Spanish - but my Spanish is not that good). But why complain tonight when I can actually hear WEEI? 'Cause I didn't complain Saturday and Sunday when the static was making me crazy.

I called Joan-east earlier this evening to beg off walking. She didn't want to go either. The humidity is so bad I was sweating profusely just walking from my back door to the car. I don't think a 4 mile walk would be any drier. I told her to be sure to thank her husband, Paul, for rescuing me from the power outage Saturday night .

Today has been a total waste. I slept til 10:00, went to therapy at 11:00. Did errands. Went to the North Shore Mall for socks and something else that I forgot. I came home with 4 pair of socks and 2 plain t-shirts from the Gap.

On the way home on 114 I turned on the radio just as the traffic reporter was saying "and the place to avoid tonight is 114 at the Middleton/North Andover line...major accident... backed up to the Market Basket..." Oops! I searched for a way around from where I was but kept going in circles through the residential streets of Danvers, Middleton, North Reading until I found a street I recognized and knew how to get home from. What a waste of an afternoon!

The sky is growing heavier by the minute. We're supposed to get thunderstorms and high winds tonight. Oh no, I'm reduced to writing about the weather. My life must be boringer than I thought. Let's see what the spell checker does with boringer. Hmm, the only thing it suggests is "bringer". Not nearly as amusing as its usual suggestions. I was writing about Canadian Fisheries Minister Brian Tobin earlier in the month. The spell checker suggested "Toxin" for Tobin. I kind of got a kick out of that. I've been referring to him as Brian Toxin ever since. Good thing I decided not to go to the Summit of the Sea in St. John's this week after all. I'm sure I'd slip and say "Brian Toxin" in front of somebody official.

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Shayne Bennett went 2 innings and gave up one run.

I await the thunderstorms and listen to the Sox battle it out with the Expos. Ah, inter league play!
