Journal of a Sabbatical

December 25, 2000

red nails and green beans

Some eclipse links:

NASA/GSFC Eclipse Home Page

Sky and Telescope

Today's Reading:

2000 Book List
Plum Island Bird List

Ghosts of Christmas Past

1996: Faith
Miracles do happen.
1997: all i want for Christmas is my brain
You would too if all you had was a rubber pork chop.
1998: all we are saying is give peace a couch
Just how much is the Gross National Product of Bosnia?
1999: and so this is Christmas
Can Bobby fly?

The Spirit of Christmas Present (or was that Presents?):

In the morning I am still stenciling conifers onto packages when I'm not looking for my eclipse glasses. I never do find the eclipse glasses, and we're on 128 when the light goes all weird. Can't compare it to the total eclipse I saw last year at Lake Balaton though.


Among the highlights:


Aunt Sistah having her nails painted red:

The Maltese Nativity, which is nothing like the Maltese Falcon:

Observant readers will note it spells "Hi Bob". Andrea's idea to use the new nativity that Bob sent. Brilliant.

Decorated children:

World Peace 2000:

The kids bearnapped Peace 2000 and demanded my Tuba Christmas scarf as ransom. I rescued the bear and the scarf and they took my boombox hostage. But I made it to Rhode Island with bear, scarf, and boom box.

Oh yeah, the green bean casserole was great. Somehow cream of mushroom soup appeared and saved the day.

A Merry Christmas to All

Here, There, and Elsewhere


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Copyright © 2000, Janet I. Egan