Go Windows 2003
Courtesy of The Cambridge Trust Company, Harvard Square
This page has been accessed
times since March 30, 2003

The middle shelf (click to see the picture bigger)
More Pictures:
The big picture
half of the picture (41k)
Herman inspects the newly installed windows (41k)
ceramic and cardboard statuary (24k)
Contributed by Teddy Feldman and Eva Casey
Hirado porcelain replica and mud sculpture (18k)
loaned to the exhibition by Eric Osman and Alex Henzel resp.
Writeup on Eric's Hirado piece (67k) by the Metropolitan Museum of Art
The cardboard sculptures a la carte
1 (13k),
2 (12k),
3 (19k),
4 (27k),
5 (25k)
The 2005 Go windows Go is World Serious.
Go window display, April 2004 Two mannequins
Go windows 2004
2002 Go windows
The Massachusetts Go Association http://www.massgo.org
The American Go Association http://www.usgo.org
Eva's Go Page
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You may send feedback to eva@world.std.com
Last revised: January 14, 2006