Go Home Page

You may send feedback to eva@theworld.com

This page has been accessed access odometer display times since June 4, 2002

2008 Go Windows
, Cambridge Trust Co., Harvard Square, April 5-April 18.
Closeup of left window; and the right.

Past Go Windows

The Dragon Boat Festival

on the river near Harvard Square, June 12, 2005

Becci Torrey ; David Kahn and Kevin Zhao

Su Co Chon Duc (46k)

Mark Nahabidian (75k)

Wenguang Zhao (70k) aka Kevin

A successful outreach event (72k)

Social Section:

Greetings from Somerville MA,
home of the Massachusetts Go Assoc. & myself.

Let me introduce you to some fellow members of the Mass. Go Assoc.:

Eric Osman ("osman" on igs), his picture and his home page http://cgibin.rcn.com/ericosman/self/ ;

A Go friend from Longmeadow, MA:
Teddy Feldman , her picture ("gomuse6" on MSN's go server http://zone.msn.com/go)

...and her son, a dan player from Easthampton MA:
Michah Feldman , his picture

Portraits by Jiří Keller:

17k sakata.jpg, 15k

Above, L to R: Iwamoto Kaoru 9-dan, Sakata Eio Honinbo

27k bytes rin.jpg, 19k

L to R: Takemiya Masaki Honinbo, Rin Kaiho Honinbo

Offset-printed postcards of the Rin & Takemiya portraits:
eva@theword.com, distributor

Jiří Keller also does general portraits and cityscapes.

Other Go Images:

Kyu Ladder 26k Dan Ladder 25k
The vertical strips are magnetic.

Go Windows at the Cambridge Trust Co, Harvard Square

"Take-Out" Go Windows, Cambridge Trust Co., Harvard Square, March 31-April 13, 2007.

Go Windows 2006 memorialized our oldest member who died at age 100 in 2006

2005: Go is World Serious

2004 two mannequins playing remotely

2003 Go sculptures

2002 "A Beautiful Mind" Go Windows

Go windows 2001, April 7-20

(26k) Spectators looking at the "Go and Time" windows moments after the windows were installed.
(33k) Left window, representing the Past
That pic does not do justice to the blowup Wanda Metcalfe and Geoff Speckle did of my digital image (32k) of Teddy Feldman, 77, playing a 95-year-old member of our club who was happy to contribute his image but not his name to the Harvard Square windows.

(28k) Right window, representing the Present and the Future
The 3-D Go Mobile with origami "stones" is by Henry Segerman (henry.segerman@sjc.ox.ac.uk), on loan for this exhibition from the collection of Bob Hearn.

(37k) Byo-yomi props (detail); (19k) Byo-yomi Word doc
(28k) Ing clock (sculpy mock-up).

Go Window in Davis Square, July 2001

Sponsored by the Somerville Arts Council

The window installed in the Dentist's office. (37k)

The two panels from the bifurcated Harvard Square window boxes adapted for a 2-D display. (47k)

ArtBeat banner and Go Windows from a distance. (18k)

Go Window in Weston Center

September 8-20 2001, at the Cambridge Trust Company, 494 Boston Post Road

Detail ; The Big Picture (38k)

Go windows 2000

Full frontal view of the Go windows; Detail: Sculpy  statue of an old lady dancing on a go ban. Young guy in wheelchair, 
also a sculpy figure, plays go bowls like bongos. Sculpy Victrola provides more music Go Granny Go statuary
This diorama makes the point that the Massachusetts Go Association is Wheelchair Accessible, 30k ; More fun with granny.
(30k) Spectator April, 2000.

Go store window
display. T-shirts etc 28k '98 (E.Casey, W.Metcalf & M.Spector collaborated)

Go store window
display. dolls, go equipment, books. 19k Window Display '96 Detail(Go Proverbs),70k

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Last revised: April 6, 2008