15 Nov 99
I've started reading Pat Dillon's The Last Best Thing.It was almost free at Building 19 a while ago. Please, if it stinks, someone tell me before I waste a lot of time on it. So far it seems like fun but not wonderful literature; the characters seem more caricatures than characters after the first four or five chapters. I have to hasten to add that I haven't given up on Milan Kundera's Farewell Waltz, it's just that I haven't been reading it. I also am reading a book I got at the Jewish Book Fair a week ago (on my way to work after swimming; it was in the JCC so I stopped in): The Bible As It Was by James Kugel. It's a study of ancient Bible interpretation, and the history of how people viewed the Bible. If you stop and think about it, although it's almost against the rules to do that, people haven't always thought of the Bible as THE BIBLE in the same way. Kugel says that even the author of the book of Daniel quoted other, earlier books of the Bible as though they were scripture and what he (I guess I should say or she, but I really doubt it) was writing wasn't authoritative in the same way. Anyway. I haven't got very far in it yet. Something snapped, and I don't just mean a mousetrap. I haven't played computer solitaire in the last three days. I wonder how long that can keep up. I was carving eraser stamps earlier this evening, but haven't scanned in any prints yet.