Floor refinisher

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We've been helping (?) Anne get her apartment fixed up for the last few days and have been getting home very late. We have two coats of paint on all the walls and are going to put some floor varnish down on Monday. Wedensday was our anniversary, but we spent the evening painting and Arlene brought an extra large pizza (pepperoni on half so there was a vegetarian side for Anne, and broccoli, mushrooms, and artichoke hearts all over. The three of us only ate 3/4 of it) back to Anne's apartment.

Thursday Anne, Charley, Arlene, and I all went to Legal Seafoods for the anniversary celebration. It was a new Legal's experience for us, because we were seated immediately! Usually we have to wait 30 to 45 minutes. We had steamers, mussels in a spicy oriental sauce, chowder, main dishes, and dessert, as befits a celebration, and the bill was in proportion.

Friday Anne, Arlene, and I painted until past 9 and walked out to Roka, a Japanese restaurant on Mass Ave, at about quarter to ten. It's a classy joint and I felt very out of place in my torn painting pants. Saturday we painted until past ten, Anne went over to some friends' house, and Arlene and I stopped off at Star Market and bought some prepared Indian food and a quart of coffee fudge ice cream and had a late late supper and ice cream sundaes.

Today I sanded the apartment floor (not with a real floor sander! Just a small reciprocating power sander. Not the right tool for the job.) and Arlene and Anne touched up the paint. Anne and a friend went to a movie and Arlene and I went to the Greek church in Central Square, which was having a big festival with food and music. We had gone to a Greek dinner at that church the evening we got engaged 31 years ago. The festival is much larger now, with two 30 x 50 foot tents outdoors covering the food fair and the street closed off with more tables and chairs for overflow dining there. With rice, Greek salad, and a main dish (Arlene had souvlaki, I had a delicious sausage whose name I can't remember past the "L" it starts with) it was lots of food and a bargain price. There was live music (electric bouzoukis!?), too, but we left without joining the folk dancing.

I've been working on scanning photos from Armenia and getting them organized on a photo page, but it won't be ready for a few more days.

Sorry, those of you who found this page by searching for "sandpaper". Please forward complaints to your favorite search engine.

Rainbow Ink
E-mail deanb@world.std.com