9-August-99 Photos

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Things are getting a little back to normal by now. I bicycled to work, stopping at Newtonville Camera to bring in my five rolls of film. I waited a long time to talk to someone about the battery compartment on my camera and how unhappy I was about it falling open and the battery dropping on the ground. They didn't think there was anything wrong with the camera, but gave me a replacement battery and said it wasn't a bad idea to keep the battery compartment scotch taped closed. Since I shouldn't need to change the battery more than once or twice a year, it's not really too bad, but I still think it's a design flaw in the camera (that's a Leica Mini 3. The lens, focus system, exposure system, and other features are good to excellent, but I'm really annoyed about the battery falling out over and over).

I wasn't a total loss at work. Even with the nine hours of jet lag I was able to get one problem solved for someone and get some constructive work done on my project.

The pictures were ready when I checked after five. When the battery stays put, the camera works fine. Practically every picture on the five rolls was sharp and well exposed. I went back to work and did a little more, came home and grilled some hamburgs and an eggplant, and continued to write up the trip. I'm figuring on doing the writing first and adding a photo album later. So far, though, you can check out the entries for July 31 and August 1.

Rainbow Ink
E-mail deanb@world.std.com