20-July-99 Bend to Scappoose

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When we saw it in the morning, the motel in Bend turned out to be in as lovely a setting as we thought when we drove up in the dusk the evening before. It was right on the edge of the national forest, and a jogging trail and a hiking trail through the forest started at the edge of the parking lot.

Even on our way up to the motel office for breakfast we saw birds that we would have traveled five miles out of town for. There was a Steller's jay up in a pine, and under the shrubbery was a brownish-green bird about the size and shape of a catbird, but a little smaller, with a chestnut cap. I called it right away: green-tailed towhee. There was a rufous-sided towhee near it.

Up the trail through the sage and small pines there were Lewis' woodpeckers, more Steller's jays, pygmy nuthatch, Cassin's finches, a flight of mountain bluebirds, and a tree full of rock wrens.
high desert museum
hailstorm -- two sizes
Corvallis: navigation, visit
Lightning in Scappoose
At Shirl & Jan's: talking, studio, garden, stars, coyotes

Rainbow Ink
E-mail deanb@world.std.com