19-July-99 Pocatello to Bend
. We got a pretty early start and headed west on I-86. After all the years when the speed limit was 55 nationwide, it was a trip to see the signs for the speedometer check in Idaho that said 75 mph 1 mile = 48 seconds I had the cruise control set just about right, so those five miles passed in 240 seconds give or take three.
We stopped at a rest area near Massacre Rocks State Park, named for an incident on the Oregon Trail. I-86 runs through the Snake River plain, the same route that the Oregon Trail followed at that point. Three summers ago we were birding in that area and saw a lazuli bunting on a bush in the same binocular field as Oregon Trail wagon ruts. I was a tiny bit confused about Massacre Rocks; I was thinking of Register Rock, also along I-86, where Oregon Trail emigrants had scratched their initials on the rock. Today it's graffitti, but if you did it 153 years ago it's history.