TRS/CP conversions

13.6.5 Building units

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TRS and convoy point conversion

5 convoy points (face up or face down) located in the same port during the production phase may be converted into a TRS for a cost of 2 build points. The conversion takes two turns. A TRS (face up or face down) located in port during the production phase may be converted into 5 convoy points at a cost of 1 build point. Conversion takes two turns. In both cases, the unit(s) appearing as reinforcements must appear in the same port where the conversion took place.

Background/Purpose: an obvious extension of the old WiF 5 TRS/CONV rule into modern TRS/convoy point terms.

Dave's Notes: Allows some flexibility to naval powers. Axis major powers may wish to short their merchant marine temporarily in order to increase troop transport -- and Japan will probably do the reverse later in the war.

Dean's Notes:

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