Building Rails and Roads

13.6.5 Building units

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Rails and Roads

New railways and roads may be built. Built railways are rails for all purposes. Built roadways are like the Burma Road: they may transport resources and build points only.

To connect two hexes together by rail, add together the leg movement point costs for the two hexes and divide by 2. This is the build point cost and number of turns needed to build the rail line between the two hexes. A built rail line connects to all other rails and roads in both hexes.

To connect two hexes together by road, add together the leg movement point costs for the two hexes and divide by 4. This is the build point cost and number of turns needed to build the road between the two hexes. A built road connects to all other roads and rails in both hexes.

You must specify the rail/road connection you are building upon expending the build points, and must control both hexes to be connected at the end of the every game turn until the rail/road is completed. Use some convenient method of tracking where new rails and roads are located.

Background/Purpose: allows some strategic flexibility.

Dave's Notes: A few new rail lines could be handy: the CW could connect the Egyptian rails into Sudan, Japan may wish to extend rail connections in Burma, Siam and French Indo-China to each other, or (if really intent on killing China) build some more rails into China's interior to help supply attacks inland. The USSR probably should consider connecting the rail from Astrakhan to Asian hex 3041, and possibly from Astrakhan due northeast, in order to keep vital Caucasian oil flowing freely to Siberian factories (which is something that they did do during the war).

Dean's Notes:

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