22.5 Research & Development
(new optional rule)
Each major power has some research and development (r&d) capabilities above and beyond those already incorporated into the game. This is represented by r&d rolls over 7 broad areas of technology. Some major powers get automatic r&d rolls every turn, others may purchase them, per the chart:
R&D Area | Germany | Italy | Japan | USSR | Communist China | United States | Commonwealth | France | Nationalist China |
Land units | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Air units | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | - | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Naval units | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | - | 1 | 1 | 0 | - |
Anti-sub warfare | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | - | 1 | 1 | 0 | - |
Submarines | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | - | 0 | 0 | 0 | - |
Missiles | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | - | 0 | 0 | 0 | - |
Atomic bombs | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | - | 2* | 0 | 0 | - |
Up to three r&d rolls may be made per turn per area of research. Some are free, some cost build points per the table below. Rolls are subject to gearing levels for each item, ie if you did not make a missile r&d roll last turn, you may only do 1 missile r&d roll this turn.
Rating | 1st roll | 2nd roll | 3rd roll |
0 | 1 bp | 2 more bps | 3 more bps |
1 | free | 2 bps | 3 more bps |
2 | free | free | 3 bps |
- | not allowed | not allowed | not allowed |
* - the USA only has 1 roll if not at total war.
Effects of research and development
One roll in any of these categories allows a roll on this table. In all cases, "unit" refers to a unit of the type of roll being made, ie if Land units have been researched, only land units can be affected.
Die roll | Effect |
1 | no effect |
2 | you may return any 1 previously scrapped unit to its force pool |
3 | you may scrap 1 unit even it if is only 3 years old |
4 | you may scrap 1 unit even it if is only 2 years old |
5 | you may scrap 1 unit even it if is only 1 year old |
6 | you may select the exact unit being built from current force pools |
7 | you may build any 1 unit at a -1 build point cost |
8 | you may add 1 random unit from next year's force pools |
9 | you may add 1 random unit, chosen by type and build point cost, from next year's force pools |
10 | you may add any 1 unit you choose from next year's force pools |
All major powers start with an anti-submarine technology (ASW) r&d level of 0. Add the result of all ASW r&d die rolls to the current ASW r&d level. For every 50 points of ASW r&d, you have reached a new level of ASW technology. For every new level of ASW technology achieved, your naval and air units (including convoy points) are treated as being 1 sea box higher than their actual sea box when in naval combat against enemy submarines only; does not apply if the combat round includes enemy non-SUB units as well; does apply to both search activation and surprise points.
If a friendly major power has a higher ASW r&d level than you and is willing to share technology, add +2 to your ASW r&d roll(s). Alternately, if any major power has a higher ASW r&d level than you, you may add +1 to your ASW r&d roll(s).
All major powers start with a submarine (SUB) r&d level of 0. Add the result of all SUB r&d die rolls to the current SUB r&d level. For every 50 points of SUB r&d, you have reached a new level of SUB technology. For every new level of SUB technology achieved, your submarines are treated as being 1 sea box lower than their actual sea box when in naval combat; applies only to SUB units, not other units which may occupy the same sea box as a submarine receiving such a bonus; does apply to both search activation and surprise points.
If a friendly major power has a higher SUB r&d level than you and is willing to share technology, add +2 to your SUB r&d roll(s). Alternately, if any major power has a higher SUB r&d level than you, you may add +1 to your SUB r&d roll(s).
All major powers start with a missiles r&d level of 0. Add the result of all missile r&d die rolls to the current missile r&d level. When you reach 150 points, you have achieved a breakthrough and may begin production of missiles. For every additional 30 points of missile r&d, you have reached a new level of missile technology. For every new level of missile technology achieved, a new missile counter will be added to your force pool. All missiles cost 1 build point and take 1 turn to build. All missiles may be rail moved (as a land unit), and all may carry and deliver an atomic bomb (if that MP also has A-Bombs in production). Missile counters are:
Missile r&d level | Missile |
150 | V-1; air to air rating of (8); range 2; 1 strategic point |
180 | V-1; air to air rating of (9); range 2; 2 strategic points |
210 | V-2; may not be intercepted; range 3; 4 strategic points; 6 mechanized movement factors |
240 | V-3; may not be intercepted; range 40; 7 strategic points |
270 | V-4; may not be intercepted; range 60; 10 strategic points |
300 | ICBM; may not be intercepted; range 100; 15 strategic points |
If the missile is delivering an a-bomb, use the a-bombs factors instead of those of the missile.
If a friendly major power has a higher missile r&d level than you and is willing to share technology, add +2 to your missile r&d roll(s). Alternately, if any major power has a higher missile r&d level than you, you may add +1 to your missile r&d roll(s).
All major powers start with a atomic bomb (a-bomb) r&d level of 0. Add the result of all a-bomb r&d die rolls to the current a-bomb r&d level. When you reach 300 points, you have achieved a breakthrough and may begin production of a-bombs. For every additional 50 points of a-bomb r&d, you have reached a new level of a-bomb technology. For every new level of a-bomb technology achieved, a new a-bomb counter will be added to your force pool. All a-bombs cost 1 build point, take 1 turn to build, and have 25+ strategic factors. All a-bombs may be delivered by any airplane with 9 or more strategic factors; by any missle unit; or by other special planes or submarines as noted in the new unit manifests, if playing Drang Nach Osten.
If a friendly major power has a higher a-bomb r&d level than you and is willing to share technology, add +2 to your a-bomb r&d roll(s). Alternately, if any major power has a higher a-bomb r&d level than you, you may add +1 to your a-bomb r&d roll(s).
Background/Purpose: Research and development (r&d) was a vital and ongoing element of World War II. This allows some strategic flexibility to all major powers.
The inevitable question is: can Germany develop the a-bomb? Well, as with any research program, if you stick to the job and make continual efforts, you will achieve some success. It is conceivable that Germany could have the a-bomb in production by as early as November/December 1944, if they devoted 3 build points per turn to the task and got reasonable a-bomb r&d rolls. The problem then would be to develop a weapon capable of delivering the a-bomb: missiles would be needed (unless using Siegfried's units, in which case a 9 point strat LND is available in 1947). Germany's missile program gets a free roll every turn, which will normally get missiles in production around November/December 1944 as well. Great. In ND /44, Germany would have an a-bomb and could deliver it on a V-1 weapon, with its exciting 2 hex range. All this for only 85 or so build points. Meanwhile, the USA could accelerate its own a-bomb program and probably get it underway even sooner than Germany, regardless of German efforts. Is it worth 85 early war build points? Now imagine plowing half of those builds points into extra SUB research and extra SUBs and its effect on the Battle of the Atlantic... You make the call!