12. Last impulse test
(replaces all)
After each impulse the moving side will roll a number of d10s equal to the circled number on the weather track for the current weather (anywhere from 1 to 4). Total this number, and add it to the previous total (called the "turn end number") after every new impulse is played. You can use the normal initiative track's numbers from 1 to 10 and put markers there for the turn end number (one marker for the tens digit, another for the ones). When the turn end number total reaches or exceeds 55, then the turn is probably over. When rolling more than one die, the player should specify which is the "last die". If the last die is an unmodified 1, 2, or 3 (see effects of passing, below), then the turn continues even if the end of turn number equals or exceed 55. If the end of turn number equals or exceeds 55 and the last die is 4 or greater, then the turn ends immediately. (In other words, if the "last die" reads 1, 2, or 3, you keep on playing that turn, period. There is no way to guarantee a turn end, ever.)
Effects of passing
Any major power that chooses a "Pass" impulse will increase the likelihood of the turn ending (you no longer need to pass with all your MPs, or all but one of them in order to have some impact). Of course, the more MPs who Pass, the greater the effect on turn end. For each of the following major powers which pass, add +2 to each of this impulses turn end dice roll(s): Germany, Japan, USA, CW, USSR; for these, add +1: Italy, France, Nationalist China, Communist China. However, a major power which is neutral and passes adds nothing. (Remember, the plusses due to passing do not affect the reading of the "last die" to determine if the turn actually ends.)
If impulses end and your side had both the first and last impulse in the turn, move the initiative marker 1 space towards your opponents' end of the initiative track.
Example: It is March/April 1943 and everyone is at war. The first weather die roll is a "5". The circled impulse marker number is a "2", so each side will roll two dice at the end of their impulse. The Axis move first and do not pass; their two die rolls are 8 and 4 for a total of 12. The Allies move second and do not pass; their rolls are 5 and 3, for a total addition of 8, and a running total of 20. One set of impulses has been finished. The next weather number is an 8; the marker number is again "2". For the Axis, Italy passes but Germany and Japan do not; their rolls are 3 and 4, with +1 added to each, totalling to 29. The Allies do not pass, and are delighted to roll a 1 and 5, totalling 35. The third weather roll is a "2", increasing the marker number to "3". The Axis all move and then roll a 3, 6, and 7, totalling 51. The turn is almost over. The Allies all move; their end of turn rolls will quite probably add up to 55 or more. They roll their dice, nominating one as their "last die". If the total is 4 or higher, the turn will end as long as the last die was also 4 or higher. They roll a 3, 1 and on the last die, a 6, ending the turn.
Note: If you wished to play more than two-sided, adjust the turn end number as follows. For each "side" involved, simply multiply the turn end number needed to "end the turn" times 27.5. 27.5 is 5 (expected number of impulses on a turn where the marker moves 1 the whole time) times 5.5 (average result of a d10 die roll).
Background/Purpose: This gives you a more solid sense of when the turn is ending, and decreases the variability on number ofimpulses per turn, all without altering the expected number of impulses in a WIF game turn compared to the standard impulse track. In brief, by rolling more dice and accumulating the results, the chance of turn end becomes less random than having the die roll be one critical either-or proposition. Extremely high and low rolls still occur, but are given the opportunity to average out over the course of a turn. Passing also no longer becomes a hit or miss proposition. If you really want to pass, doing so over several impulses can have a significant effect on the turn end situation. Occasionally passing can provide opportunities to manipulate the turn end situation along the way as well.