Drang Nach Osten: German set-up

German set-up

German pre-war production

German player's notes

War situation

Germany controls all of Germany (including East Prussia and Austria (but no Austrian units available)), has aligned Czechoslovakia (but no Czech units available), has conquered Poland (west of the Nazi-Soviet partition line), Yugoslavia, Denmark, and Iceland. Note that Germany gained 4 extra convoy points from Finland (3) and Latvia (1). Any planes that don't have a pilot are placed into the reserve pool.

Special note for German carrier planes: draw 3 carrier planes. You may place them each on any carrier.

As usual, only convoy points may be set up at sea for a neutral major power.

Set up within 5 hexes of the Soviet border:

Set up within 5 hexes of the French border:

Set up in any controlled hex:

Construction Pool:

July/August 1942

September/October 1942

November/December 1942

January/February 1943

March/April 1943

Scrap Pool