A Word about our Sponsors
I just want to make a few things perfectly crystal clear:
- Everything thing on this site exists for the enjoyment of WiF players worldwide; nothing here is intended for, nor may be used for, commercial purposes
- The only reason we're here is because of the outstanding game, World in Flames designed and published by Harry Rowland and the Australian Design Group. If by some miraculous chance you've read all this but don't own the game, buy it! Here are two email links to help you do so, one to Harry at ADG in Australia, and the other to Larry Whalen at The GameKeeper in Providence, RI:
Harry Rowland, ADG
Larry Whalen, The GameKeeper
- I must emphasize, however, that none of the material on this web site is the property of ADG; they are not responsible for it in any way shape or form, nor is any of this materiele known or intended to be an infringement of their copyright.
Here is the ADG statement of copyright:
"World in Flames and all its components and kits, in both its electronic and printed forms, is Copyright 1996, Australian Design Group.
Permission is hereby granted to copy these rules electronically for your personal use only, provided that they are copied in their entirety (including this message). Any deletion or alteration or on-selling, without the express written permission of Australian Design Group, is a violation of domestic and international copyright law.
Please refer questions and comments to:
Australian Design Group
PO Box 6253
Los Osos, CA 93412 USA, or
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