Bill's Bookmarks

Bill's Bookmarks

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Previous: Weather


(see also NOAA--IWIN)

WChan.Sat -- colorized, nice!
Forecast for the Eastern U.S.
KGAN Weather Full Size
Indiana Weather Jumpstation - Doppler Radar
Purdue Weather Processor -- new addr
National Radar Summary (intellicast)
Wash: latest radar, national summary gif
US Radar composite (weatherlabs)

Massachusetts Weather - Boston (BOS)
Chatham sounding, raw, rose UCAR
Boston - Quick Look (3x meteograms, IGES)
Combines ETA and both MRF meteograms
plus local WHDH forecast and other stuff in one page.
Mid-Atlantic derived NWS weather data ( maps; PSU)
New England hotlinks (pietrych)
MA Obs (PSC Wx Text)
CGI is POST only, so click on MASS. Also have custom meteograms and maps.
GYX Discussion (OSU)
ME and NH WX Data
Pollen Count - Northeast Region
Lifted Index BOSTON (sfc li, stability)
BOX Noaa Models Graphics
connecticut NEXRAD Image
Precipitation for today BOSTON
Precipitation for tonight BOSTON
INTELLICAST: boston Radar Summary
INTELLICAST: boston Satellite
ABC6 Storm Tracker Radar

Other sites

stale -- no longer nation wide or current

oldABCs stale lightning

Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC)
CMC, Climate and Water Information
KGAN 15-minute update Radar Composite
NEXRAD National Mosaic Reflectivity Images (ncdc)
Purdue Weather Processor -- new addr
CNN - Radar image for Northeast North America
PCMDI NWP Weather Maps for Continental U.S. (CONUS) Area
UIUC Weather Map
KGAN Weather Full Size
Interactive Weather Information Network
The Weather Resource
Wash.U WX CGI Home
Precipitation Type - Weather Visualizer (UIUC)
USA Weather
National Radar Loop
Freese-Notis Weather.Net Home Page
The Weather Visualizer - University of Illinois
National Ultraviolet Index Forecast
National Radar Summary (intellicast)
Purdue Weather Processor
Wash: latest radar, national summary gif
Interactive keyed Radar Images UIUC
Purdue Weather Processor
Welcome to IGES
COLA/IGES Weather Forecasts
Accuweather NE NEXRAD (3hr)
WeatherSource - Maps and Images


US IR Sat (uh)
US vi sat (uh)
New England GIF cod sat
Purdue Sat ir enh
Lates GOES Color -- Disk (gsfc)
Latest Goes Color -- NE (gsfc)
NSGS Special Project Images
Infrared False Color Composite (300kb)
GOES-8 Winds - Atlantic Hurricane Coverage
WINDEX (goes8 latest) Microburst prob
Sat IR + Radar Purdue
Sat IR Enhanced -- Purdue
Sat + Sfc Purdue
KEY: Purdue IR Enh (Satellite Image Details)
MB Enhanced GOES 8 IR (NE)
Africa/Atlantic satelite UK
Cloud Tops sat Africa/Carib UK
Lifted Index GOES-8
Atl Sat + Surface Analysis
Goes8 lastest wisc


Purdue Sat
Satellite Page (RTW UCAR)
GOES Hot Stuff
Office of Satellite Operations Home Page
Wash.U WX CGI Home

Other images

whole globe IR composite WISC
multi composite whole globe WISC
GOES Vis East
Latest ALB sat (RTW UCAR)
Carib view, wv, wash
Carib view, ir, wash
Vis, wash, NA large scale

SSD Products Page
Satellite Services Division Realtime Operational Data and Products
Goes Information Central
Office of Research and Applications Home Page
The Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
The CIMSS Realtime GOES Page
Goes culi latest
goes cupwr 12z
CIRA/RAMM Team Satellite Interpretation Discussion

Surface Analysis

UIUC anal 6up
COD: map, Wx symbols and dewpoint
RUC -- exp. 40km "real time" maps
COD: map, 3 hour pressure change
1000mb Winds, AVN, 0h, world [cdc]
3h dPSL [purdue]
I use the three hour pressure change charts to determine the storms path. (This chart can also be helpful for spotting secondary developments.)Draw an arrow from the low's center pointing towards the area of greatest
pressure fall and that should (usually, almost always) points in the direction of the storm's track. -- Wayne
It's too late for this storm but try it with future storms and see if it's a
tool for your short range/nowcasting.
A word of caution...The algorithm for this chart is NOT smart. One bad ob and
your looking at a black hole.
IWIN National Radar
Hourly Analysis [iges]
Sat + Sfc Purdue
alb sfc plot [ucar]
sfc_ne.gif (old style weather map)
Wash. latest sfc GIF image 850x578 pixels
Purdue: Sfc Front GIF {gross}


Convective Temp K (OSU)
WINDEX (goes8 latest) Microburst prob
Lifted Index GOES-8
Sat IR Enhanced -- Purdue
KEY: Purdue IR Enh (Satellite Image Details)
CHH sounding (skewT) c/o OSU
OSU Numerical Model Output
Upper Air Images
Upper Air Sounding Details
Lifted Index, US, OSU/wxp (0z/12z) is synonym or map? like Purdue WXP products
TotTot index, US, monochrome
Lifted Index BOSTON (sfc li, stability)
ETA Cape ? All Times
Skew-T Soundings


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