Boston Japanimation Society

1 P.M. - 5 P.M., the second Saturday of every month, come in anytime, leave at any time.
Free, no dues or any costs, feel free to bring anime tapes.
We are an informal group that meets to watch Japanese animation on the second Saturday of every month. We meet at the Harvest Cooperative Supermarkets's Community Room (Central Square), Cambridge, MA. The most up-to-date info will be on this page, we are not sponsored by the Co-op so they do not always know details. We use the Co-op's TV and VCR to show the tapes brought in by whomever attends. We usually have a DVD player available.

Upcoming shows:
This section is not being updated, but the shows are continuing (as of Aug. '09).

The address: Harvest Cooperative Supermarkets, 581 Massachusetts Ave. (Central Square), Cambridge, MA.
The Community Room is upstairs, the room on the left. Ask at the customer service desk in the store - the stairs are partly hidden.

Public transportation (all of these stop within 30 yards of the store):
The Red Line subway, Central Square stop.
The 1 bus (Harvard Sq - Dudley Station)
The 47 bus (Central Sq - Eliot St)
The 64 bus (Central Sq - Oak Sq)
The 70 (and 70A) bus (Central Sq - Waltham)
The 83 bus (Central Sq - Rindge Ave)
The 91 bus (Central Sq - Sullivan Sq Station)
The CT1 bus (Central Sq - B. U. Medical Center)
I don't know about parking in the Co-op's lot in Cambridge, I think it is not free.
See the MBTA web page for maps and schedules.

For other shows in the Boston area, see:
MIT anime web site
Harvard anime web site
NU anime web site
BU anime web site

Tokyo Kid is an anime shop in Harvard Square.

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