Is The Browser Part of the Operating System?
An exercise in misdirection
In 1998, the United States Federal Government charged Microsoft with anti-trust
violations. One of the the complaints was that Microsoft had
"bundled" its Internet
Explorer (IE) web browser with its Windows
operating system (OS). From the customer's point of view, IE came free
with the OS. Since Windows had, at the time, a market share in excess
of 95%, this meant that virtually everyone who bought a computer also
got IE. This severely undercut use of the only competing commercial
browser, Netscape, and Netscape Communications Corporation subsequently declined.
In its defense, Microsoft asserted that the web browser was, in fact,
part of the operating system. Therefore, it made no sense to
talk of bundling the browser; it was in the natural order of things
that an OS vendor would include a browser in their product.
Facially, this is a valid argument. All products have parts, and we
don't fault manufacturers for including the parts of their own
products. When you buy a car, it comes with an engine. This makes it
very difficult for independent engine manufacturers to sell automobile
engines to the general public. But we don't accuse car companies of
bundling engines with their cars in order to drive engine
manufacturers out of business: we accept the fact that the engine is
part of the car.
So the charge against Microsoft came down to a question of fact: is
the web browser part of the operating system? Needless to say, there
was a great deal of testimony and argument about this during the
trial. I followed the trial casually; to me, the question seemed
opaque, and I could hear little more in the arguments than "is so"—
"is not".
In the end, Microsoft was found to be a monopoly, but received only minimal
sanctions. Microsoft still ships IE with Windows, yet stand-alone
browsers, like FireFox, are now
regaining market share. Arguably, the question still stands: is the
browser part of the OS?
Well, is it???
There are (at least) four different questions wound up together here,
and Microsoft has worked hard for many years to confuse and confound
them. They don't want people to have a clear understanding of this
issue, because a clear understanding of it does not at all serve their
case. Let's take the questions one at a time and see if we can sort
out the issues. Here are the questions:
- Does the customer expect the computer to come with a web browser?
- Who should select the browser and integrate it with the computer?
- Is the browser part of the broad collection of software referred to
as the "operating system"?
- Should the code that implements the browser be integrated with the operating system kernel?
Does the customer expect the computer to come with a web browser ?
This is a question about consumer behavior and expectations. When Joe
Consumer—or Joe Businessman—buys a computer, takes it out of the
box, and turns it on, do they expect to find a web browser already
installed on it? To find out the answer, we simply talk to consumers
and watch their behavior. The answer turns out to be yes.
In pre-trail discussions with the government, a Microsoft lawyer
said of the Windows operating system
We could put in a ham sandwich, but nobody would buy it.
The part about the ham sandwich was taken out of context and held up
as an example of Microsoft's arrogance; however, the point that the
lawyer was making is that Microsoft is responsive to consumer
expectations—and consumers expect their computers to come with web
The answer to this question supports Microsoft's position.
Who should select the browser and integrate it with the computer?
This is a question about industrial organization: how should the
manufacture and distribution of computers be organized? In the United
States, we let the markets decide most questions like this.
The personal computer (PC) industry is about 25 years old. There have
been some changes during that time, but the basic outlines are clear
and stable. Computers are built by original equipment manufacturers
(OEMs)—companies like Dell, Gateway and Hewlett-Packard. The OEM
- buys components (chassis, power supply, motherboard, hard drive, etc)
- assembles them into computers
- installs software
- writes a manual and a warranty
- puts it all in a box
- puts their name on it
- sells it to retailers or consumers
The OEM takes responsibility for selecting and integrating all the
software that comes on the computer—with one exception. Microsoft
dictates that OEMs who install Windows also install IE on all
computers. Microsoft enforces this through terms in the Windows
Absent Microsoft's exercise of monopoly power, there is every reason
to believe that OEMs would select the web browser, just as they select
all the other components of their products.
The answer to this question does not support Microsoft's position.
Is the browser part of the broad collection of software referred to
as the "operating system"?
This question is either a matter of opinion, or simply unanswerable.
The reason is that the term "operating system", as used here, has no
specific technical meaning. It is more like the term "city".
Cities are big and sprawling, and their boundaries can be fuzzy. True,
the city has a geographic boundary, defined by statute and recorded in
the registry of deeds, but how many people know exactly where it
is—or care?
Asking whether the browser is part of the operating system is like
asking whether the bus line is part of the city. In the end, it
depends on what you mean by "city".
The answer to this question is irrelevant to Microsoft's case.
Should the code that implements the browser be integrated with the
operating system kernel?
This is an engineering question. Unlike the broad term "operating
system", the term "operating system kernel" has a specific technical
meaning, and this question has a definite answer. On very strong
engineering grounds, the answer is no.
Operating systems are organized, either actually or notionally, in
layers, like an onion. The innermost layer is commonly called the
The kernel is the first part of the OS that runs after the computer
starts up, and the first thing the kernel does is take control of all
the hardware on the computer
- memory
- disk drives
- monitor
- keyboard/mouse
- network connections
All other programs run under control of the kernel. The kernel
- schedules programs for execution
- allocates resources to programs
- recovers resources from programs when they no longer need them
- removes programs from the system when they finish running
Importantly—crucially—the computer hardware guarantees that the
kernel regains control if a program hangs, crashes, or otherwise
misbehaves. When this happens, the kernel stops the program, cleans up
the mess, and goes on.
As long as the kernel is functioning properly, the OS can recover from
any error in any other program. Conversely, if the kernel is
compromised, by
then errant programs may
- interfere with other programs
- hang or crash the computer
- corrupt data
Usually, the only way to recover from a problem with the kernel is to
reboot the machine. If data corruption extends to the hard drive, it
may be necessary to reinstall the OS.
In view of all this, good engineering practice is to keep the kernel
as small and simple as possible. Over time, kernels tend to become
large and complicated, because they do many complicated things.
However, the principle stands: nothing should be put in the kernel
without a good reason.
Good reasons
Good reasons to put things in the kernel include
- necessity
- performance
- security
Some programs simply can't be made to work unless they are inside the
kernel. The web browser isn't one of them. There are web
browsers—widely used, full-featured web browsers—that run on
Microsoft Windows and are not part of the kernel.
These include
The existence of these browsers demonstrates that it is not necessary
for the browser to be part of the kernel.
There are some programs that run faster—much faster—if they are part
of the kernel. The browser isn't one of them. Microsoft's Internet
Explorer doesn't run any faster inside the kernel than other
browsers run outside the kernel. Besides, under current technology and
typical usage patterns, web browsers spend more time waiting for
network I/O than CPU execution.
Some programs run inside the kernel because they need to be inside its
security boundary. The file system is a good example of this. The web
browser is not. The browsers cited above that run outside the kernel
are secure—by many accounts, more secure than Internet Explorer,
which runs inside the kernel. Security is not a good reason to put a
web browser inside the kernel.
Another reason sometimes given for making the browser part of the
kernel is integration. "Integrated" is just a fancy word for "part
of", so this argument is ultimately circular. Upon inspection, the
benefits of integration usually turn out to be claims for greater
performance, security, or convenience. We've already seen that
performance and security considerations don't justify making the
browser part of the kernel. We'll discuss convenience below.
Keeping it out
Since there aren't any good reasons to put the browser inside the
kernel, good engineering practice is to keep it outside. But it isn't
just a matter of good practice: there are positive reasons why the
browser should be kept out of the kernel. The two most important are
People have been writing operating system kernels for half a century.
We know how to
- design them
- write them
- make them stable and secure
People have been writing web browsers for just over a decade. Design,
and basic requirements are still in flux.
Dragging a web browser into the kernel destabilizes it.
The kernel enforces a security boundary at its interfaces. Every datum
that crosses these interfaces must be checked to see that it does not
violate the kernel's security requirements.
The kernel may be complex, but its interfaces are
- well defined
- well understood
- relatively simple
These properties are crucial to making the kernel
secure. If the kernel interfaces are ill defined, poorly understood,
or just too complicated, then ensuring the security of the kernel
becomes an impossible task.
If the kernel includes a web browser, then its security boundary must
extend out to the interface between the browser and the World Wide
Web. This interface includes
- web pages (text, HTML, XML, ...)
- style sheets
- embedded programs (Java, JavaScript, ActiveX, ...)
- images (GIF, JPEG, PNG, ...)
- links
- plugins (Flash, ...)
The phrase "World Wide Web" aptly describes the size, complexity, and
fuzziness of the data that the browser must handle. Validating this
data is impossible, and dragging a browser into the kernel hopelessly
compromises its security.
For reference, here are the answers that we got to our four questions
- Does the customer expect the computer to come with a web browser?
- Who should select and integrate the browser with the computer?
The OEM.
- Is the browser part of the broad collection of software referred to
as the operating system?
depends what you mean by "operating system"
- Should the code that implements the browser be integrated with the
operating system kernel?
Absolutely not.
Now let's look at what Microsoft actually does with Internet Explorer
- Microsoft ships Internet Explorer with the Windows operating system
Fair enough; customers expect to get a web browser with their computer
- Microsoft coerces OEMs into shipping IE, and no other browser, on
computers that have Windows
Dirty pool, and illegal, besides. Unfortunately, the OEMs are too
dependent on Microsoft to complain, and the U.S. government refuses to
impose meaningful sanctions on Microsoft, apparently for political reasons.
- Microsoft says the browser is part of the operating system
They're entitled to their opinion.
- Microsoft integrates the code that implements Internet Explorer into
the Windows kernel
Is it really that bad?
It's really that bad.
The discussion above is technical and somewhat abstract, but the
problems it describes are not. Putting the browser into the kernel
causes real problems for ordinary users.
All browsers have bugs; all browsers crash. When a browser like
FireFox crashes, you lose the web page you were viewing. If you want
to see it again, you have to reopen the browser and reenter the URL.
When Internet Explorer crashes, it takes the kernel, the OS, and the
computer with it. Recovery generally requires a reboot, and data loss
in other programs is not uncommon.
All browsers have security
holes; all browsers are subject to attacks from hostile web sites.
When a browser like FireFox is compromised, the attacker gains control
of the browser. When Internet Explorer is compromised, the attacker
gains control of the kernel, and through it, the entire computer.
Why do they do it?
If integrating the browser with the kernel is such a bad idea,
we have to ask why Microsoft does it. The answer comes in two parts
- why they say they do it
- why they really do it
Why they say they do it
Microsoft's first answer, of course, is simply that the browser is
part of the operating system. However, this answer rests on a
confusion of the more detailed questions discussed above. No one is
disputing the assertion that the general term "operating system" can be
construed broadly enough to include a web browser. The question is what
possessed Microsoft to drag the browser into the kernel.
Microsoft doesn't like to say much more about the issue; however, if
you read their marketing literature and their advertising copy, you
can see some other claims coming out around the edges.
Microsoft touts the conveniences and
features that they can offer on account of IE being integrated with
the kernel. It's always there; it's always on. Content from any source
on the web can be seamlessly passed into any application on the
computer. Data from any application can be displayed as a web page.
The bothersome distinction between your computer and the internet
fades into the background: Windows takes care of it all for you.
Ironically, it is just this kind of integration that makes Internet
Explorer such an effective vector for malware. The "convenience" that
Microsoft offers comes at a crushing cost in security and stability.
Why they really do it
In its early days, Microsoft sold products on their features, performance, and convenience, and it
still gives lip service to these customer benefits. Today, however,
Microsoft's primary strategy for selling its products is to deny the
customer any other choices.
One way they do this is by driving competitors out of business—for
example, through bundling. But merely shipping IE in the same box with
Windows isn't enough: if all Microsoft did was put it in the
box, someone else could as easily take it out of the box.
- If the judge in the anti-trust trial could remove IE from Windows,
then it would be harder for Microsoft to maintain their claim that IE
is part of Windows.
- If users could remove IE from Windows, they would be more likely to
use other web browsers.
There is also an historical reason for integrating IE with Windows. Up
until the early 1990's, the internet was essentially a research
project, funded by the government, and restricted to universities and
large corporations. Then, a confluence of developments made it
practical for consumers to use the internet. These included
- falling hardware prices
- increasing network penetration
- graphical user interfaces
- policy decisions to commercialize the internet and expand access to it
When this happened, the internet, and—especially—the web were
suddenly propelled into public awareness. For a brief period of time,
there was serious speculation that the web browser would supplant the
operating system as the user's primary interface to the computer.
The prospect of this doubtless terrified Microsoft. If users spend all
their time inside the web browser, then they don't care what operating
system runs underneath it. OEMs are then free to sell computers with
competing operating systems, and Microsoft's monopoly evaporates.
Microsoft was famously unprepared for the commercialization of the
internet. Their first response was to write their own web browser, but
they also made sure that that browser was wired right into the OS.
That way, even if the browser somehow became the OS, the user
would still be running Windows, and Microsoft would still control the
It didn't turn out that way. Consumers have been on the Internet for
10 years now, they don't spend all their time inside the web browser,
and they still care what OS they run. But Microsoft has never backed down from their original decision to
integrate the browser with the OS—if anything, they have worked
to make them inseparable, scattering code for the browser across the
system in multiple files, and blurring the distinction between the
web and the desktop at the user interface.
- Netscape Communications Corporation
- Wikipedia gives a short
history of Netscape Communications Corporation. The name Netscape survives as a trademark
of AOL.
- operating system kernel
- This discussion applies most specifically to operating systems with
monolithic kernels, such as GNU/Linux and Windows 95/98/ME. For
operating systems with a micro-kernel architecture, such as GNU/Hurd
and Windows NT/2000/XP, terminology and details are somewhat different;
however, the underlying issues are the same.
- features, performance, and convenience
- I used Microsoft's excellent C compiler throughout much of the 1980s.
- backed down
- Joel Spolsky argues that Microsoft has deliberately
neglected development of IE, for fear that a more capable
browser—even their own—could still threaten their monopoly on the
Romanian courtesy of The Word Point
Russian completed by Edubirdie
Spanish courtesy of Susan Brown
Ukrainian courtesy of Diane Sherron at PickWriters
Uzbek courtesy of Sherali Niyazova

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Steven W. McDougall /
resume / /
2005 Feb 26