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The word network, and it's verb form, "networking" has come to
refer to a group of like-minded people coming together to exchange information.
The mediums used by a network can be meetings, teleconferencing, postal letters,
newsletters, and telecommunications. SearchNet primarily uses
telecommunications to connect members who wish to share information. SearchNet
was started by using Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) and shared message conferences
(ECHOMAIL), as a means to distributing information widely. SearchNet also
shares three of it's message conferences with other networks, such as FidoNet
and MufoNet. SearchNet has since branched out by utilizing internet mailing
lists, and now, this World Wide Web Site.
I, Glenda Stocks, founded SearchNet because I embarked on a personal search
to understand all that I could about Creator and Creation. I did not find any
message areas that allowed people who were searching like I was, to interact
with one another without being stereotyped in one way or another. There are
many subtle, and not so subtle ways, in message areas, in which people and their
different ideas are made to feel, not welcome. SearchNet, then, could provide "safe areas" for people who are searching, to congregate.
Even some areas, whose topics would lend themselves to searching for
answers to life's questions, would discourage asking the toughest questions.
Some areas are simply designed and run to be get togethers to "shoot the
bull" (i.e. talk about nothing and nonsense). And there is nothing wrong
with having areas for relaxed chats. SearchNet was created for the people who
are "serious" about their studies of life's meaning; for
people who will ask the hard questions, and who even have the guts and audacity
to attempt to answer them.
SearchNet's HeadQuarters are housed on an internet Gateway system in
Massachusetts, U.S.A., called XBN . XBN does not take calls.
There are people who
access our message traffic, as users of FidoNet and MufoNet bulletin board
Singularly, SearchNet is Glenda Stocks, since I founded the network.
Collectively, SearchNet is everyone who is touched in some way by our outreach -
all members, and all readers - even YOU.
SEARCHNET Message Conferences ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ from: listserv@xbn.shore.net Here is a list of all mailing lists available from XBN listname description ________ ___________________ IUFO *UFO and New Science discussions. SNETNEWS *Political discussions. RUOW *Discuss the Right Use of Will Books NEOTECH Discuss new science technologies & devices GALAXIA Private list for galactic citizens only MAILGATE Discuss the MailGate software * moved to world.std.com To subscribe to a list: ************************************************** * Send to: listserv@xbn.shore.net * * Subject: NONE * * Text : subscribe listname * ************************************************ * Mailing lists have a user configurable optional digest format. Some mailing lists have user configurable optional file distribution. For more detailed information about each mailing list: ************************************************** * Send to: listserv@xbn.shore.net * * Subject: NONE * * Text : INFO listname * ************************************************ *
The following article was sent to everyone who inquired about SearchNet. This article and the events that it describes happened just as I decided to create the SearchNet Network. The file is called:
(this is a LONG article.)
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Prophecy in an old Elton John Album, the interpretation. This experience began during the day of Friday, March 19, 1993. I had an unusually pleasant and happy day, treating myself to breakfast at a diner and reading a spiritual book I had started 3 weeks before. I had strayed from spiritual things for 3 weeks, cuz I was setting up my BBS again (4 yrs experience at sysoping), and I had a minor surgery that gave me 2 weeks off from work. During the day, Friday, a PORTION, of an old Elton John song was in my mind, from which I had also taken a line for my high school year book, SEVENTEEN years ago. I could not remember the whole song, so the same part kept repeating in my mind off and on throughout the day. YouknowhatImean? So after supper I settled down in Windows to catch up on the 3000 messages I was behind in the conferences. I was reading the FIDO UFO base when I saw a one line message from Walter Bartoo: Hi Glenda: Things are moving quickly now we need voice connection to respond better on this. Kortron. Immediately I began to ponder the spiritual happenings I HAD been monitoring and been into before my 3 week spell in worldy matters. I retired to bed at 1 A.M. Saturday morning. I thought about the events of the day, and especially Walter's message. I kept saying to myself, "something's happening", "I can FEEL it" That feeling is coming back; the one I had before I ignored spiritual issues. I fell asleep; at 1:45, I awoke to my mother yelling "Something's happening!". I bolted from my room, as she was saying go look out the back window. A surge of adrenalin, like I never felt, ran thru me, and I literally flew up the stairs. As I looked outside, I could see "blue flashing lights" of two police cruisers in the street beyond the small wooded area and river behind our house. My heart was pounding, and as I gained consciousness, I realized that I thought the BIG earth changes had just begun when my mother announced that "something's happening". I was still partially in a dream state up until I was looking out the window. I felt awful then, cuz I felt like my heart would leap out of me, cuz of the adrenalin, and I was shaking, kinda like with terror. I was visibly upset for about 5 minutes after that. I went back downstairs, and my mom says "someone must be hurt bad". I went back to bed, but I couldnt sleep. The portion of the song came back, and I began to want to REMEMBER the rest of the lyrics. Afterall, my YEARBOOK quote was from this song; I owed it to myself to listen to it again, so I could replay it in my mind with more of the pieces. BTW, this song playing in my mind was NOT annoying me; I liked it, and it was soothing my rattled nerves. So, I got up and began to look for this OLD album. I found the record album JACKET in one of the two dusty old milk crates that I keep records I hardly ever play in. Lo and Behold, the JACKET was EMPTY! I could not believe it. I never leave records OUT of their jackets. never. I knew this was an interesting case of synchronicity. Determined, I went through both milk crates, searching for the record. Not there. Logically, I thought, it must be in with another Elton John album (I have all his old stuff). Sure enough it was in with "Madman Across The Water". Sigh of relief. I didnt even remember the name of the song because it continues directly off of the song preceding it, which is called "We All Fall In Love Sometimes." So, without even looking at the name of the song I wanted to hear, and remembering that it was the last song on the side anyways, I started that side from the first song. Well, the second song, which I used to love when I was a teenager in high school, called "Better Off Dead" was playing. This is NOT a song about suicide. As I listen to the song, Elton is singing: "Oh way in the distance, there's a blue flashing light. Someone's in trouble, somewhere tonight!" I jumped up outa bed to tell my mom. This synchronicity is getting outa hand. Blue flashing lights, someone, somewhere, something's happening! As if that were not all.... Once I calm down from that, I continue to play that side of the record, until it got to the song, the last one, that I originally had been humming a portion of all day. The name of the song is "CURTAINS" (I didnt go back to check the name til 7 Am saturday morning when I sat down to write this TEXT). Now I will quote the entire lyrics to the song, as I hear them, and there are not many, so bear with it (punctuation and Caps are mine): ------------------------------------- EJ>I used to know, this old Scarecrow. EJ>He was my Sorrow, EJ>my Joy and Sorrow. EJ>Cast alone, between the furrows, EJ>of a field, EJ>no longer sown, by anyone. EJ>I held a dandelion, EJ>that said the time had come, EJ>to leave upon the wind, EJ>not to return, EJ>when Summer burned the Earth again. EJ>Ooooooooooooooooooooh (long sorrowful moan). EJ>Ooooooooooooooooooooh EJ>Cultivate the freshest flower, EJ>this garden ever grew. EJ>In beneath these branches, EJ>I once wrote, EJ>such childish Words for You. EJ>But that's OK. EJ>There's Treasures Children always seek to find. EJ>And just like us, EJ>you must have had, EJ>a once upon a time! EJ>Ooooooooooooooooooooh (27 long sorrowful moans. after the ninth EJ>moan, the background vocals chant in refrain, "Love to Love EJ>you baby". --------------------------------------------- Now, as I listened to this song, I was impressed with spiritual meanings behind the lyrics. Meanings I had never thought of in all the MANY, MANY times I listened to this one song when I was a senior in high school, in 1976. I didnt begin to delve into spiritual matters until 1979. The quote, which I had put under my picture in the yearbook was: EJ>The time had come, EJ>to leave upon the wind, EJ>not to return, EJ>when Summer burned the Earth again. To me, in 1976, this quote means that, since I was graduating, that after this coming Summer, I would not return to high school as usual. But this morning, as I listened to the lyrics, and understood, and felt different meanings, I began to become extremely sorrowful. I began to cry, while listening to the song. I cried, and tried to mumble the words, I knew so well, as the meanings kept pouring into my mind and heart. I cried, and cried, and cried. After the song ended, I was still crying. I sobbed, moaned, and threw my head into the pillow. As I was crying, I was not SAD. As I was crying, I felt the Earth was crying through me (due to the perceived meanings of the song). I continued to cry, unable to stop, as I felt that even God our Creator was crying through me. I have never cried so much and so hard, not even when a fellow I was in love with, was suddenly and accidently killed. I was still crying and began to play parts of the song in my mind, and pondering still deeper into the meanings, and testing them, and only wanting to cry even more. Finally, I asked the Lord, "I cannot cry for you anymore, this lil body cant take it." After awhile I was able to gain some composure. Lemme tell you, crying like that, is a cleansing in and of itself. We need a good cry, once in a while, I guess. After awhile I decided to listen to the other side, since I couldnt sleep. I began to sense prophetic meanings in the lyrics of other songs too. Mostly about subjects related to the so-called end of the world, or last days. The album is Elton John's "Captain Fantastic". And so, now allow me to give you MY interpretation of that one song, "CURTAINS". Just to give you a brief synopsis of my background as pertains to this interpretation, I became a Christian in 1979, and expanded that understanding in 1992 to embrace many other cultural understandings of the nature of our Creator. What this means in simpler terms, is that I still have Jesus the Christ as my Lord, while accepting the Oneness of all people in the One Creator, and therefore I accept, as valid, other people's experiences and knowings of this same One Creator. Let me say that you do not have to be a Christian for this message to have meaning for you. It is just that my Christian background underlies my understanding of what the song is saying. EJ>I used to know, this old Scarecrow. This old Scarecrow refers to Jesus, the Christed one, as Christians would call Him, or as some others might refer to Jesus, as one of a handful of people who took on the Christ consciousness and came to Earth to help people. EJ>He was my Sorrow, The person speaking here refers to God the Creator, and he is saying that Jesus was his sorrow, because Jesus willingly gave up his physical life, which action fulfilled ancient Israeli prophecy, and is the basis upon which one of the ways to know the Creator has been established in the Christian religion. EJ>my Joy and Sorrow. Here the Creator is contrasting how the physical death of Jesus can be both His sorrow and his joy. The joy comes from how that sacrifice has helped many people in their knowing the Creator. EJ>Cast alone, between the furrows, Here Jesus is being portrayed as one seed. The seed is cast, and cast alone means it is one seed. Here you can refer to the Bible verses that describe how, through the one seed that led to the birth of Jesus, many people will be saved. I think of this salvation, or being saved, as one being awakened or one having his consciousness raised to the knowing of his oneness with the Creator. For such a person as this, there is No Death, and most importantly, he KNOWS, for himself that there is no death, and that he does, indeed, have Eternal Life. Please see the book of Genesis, in the Bible, Chapter 3, verses 14 to 15. God is speaking to the serpent which deceived Eve, and here is an excerpt: "and I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed, and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel" EJ>of a field, EJ>no longer sown, by anyone. Here the sower is God the Creator. A point, in Time, will come when no more seed will be cast into the field. This time period refers to the end of this age, the last days, end of the world, day of the Lord, Tribulation period, etc. To better understand the analogy of God casting seed into the field, please refer to the book of Matthew, and the parable of the wheat and the tares. The parable is at chapter 13, verses 24 to 30. See also the explanation in chapter 13, verses 36 to 43. The story is about a man who sowed seed for wheat in a field, and an enemy came at night and sowed the seed of tares into the field also. The owner's servants offered to pull up the tares, but the man said to leave them til the time of harvest, when the tares will be gathered and burned. Jesus explains that the field is the world, the good seed (wheat) are the children of the kingdom (of God), but the tares are the children of the wicked one (the Devil). So, again, it goes back to the prophecy made to Eve, that there will be two seeds, hers that led to Jesus and all those who conquer death, and the other seed of the Devil that will lead to the Antichrist and all those who remain under the bondage of death. Jesus also explains that the Harvest is the end of the world. So the song is referring to that point in Time when no more new souls will be sown into the world. EJ>I held a dandelion, A dandelion is a classic 'weed'. This weed is here being equated with the tares sown among the wheat. Notice how by using the word dandelion, those people that are more familiar with this weed TODAY, than with the tare, will be able to understand the message. EJ>that said the time had come, There is that one point in Time again. The time when no more people will be born on the Earth to live and grow and experience physical existence here on Earth. EJ>to leave upon the wind, Leaving upon the wind refers to the tares being transported through the air (wind). At the harvest, people will be divided into two primary groups, the wheat and the tares, the ones that know and the ones that don't know. The tares will be given transportation to a place where their souls may continue to grow based on their level of knowing at the time of the harvest. EJ>not to return, The tares will not be allowed to return to the Earth for more physical existence. The reason is that the Earth will have changed into a place, such that, the knowing level of tares, will be incompatible. EJ>when Summer burned the Earth again. This burning refers to the CHANGE the Earth will go through. The Earth is raising it's vibration, or consciousness into the next levels. This phenomenon is also referred to as going from 3rd and 4th dimension to possibly as high as the 5th dimension. This means that the type of life sustainable by the Earth will be different, both spiritually and physically. Spiritually, the Earth will accept souls that are of at least a certain level of knowing (or evolution), while at the same time, unable to accept souls of lesser knowing than the minimum. This is the reason both for the harvest and for the separating of the inhabitants of the Earth by soul growth level. The change in the Earth can be likened to the changing of the seasons. At some point the seasons change from Summer to Fall. So, the Earth, in her galactic seasonal cycle, is approaching a change from one age to the next. Your Bible reference is the book of Second Peter, all of chapter 3. Here is an excerpt: "... but the Heavens and the Earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgement and perdition of ungodly men. ...But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the Heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the Earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." The fire simply refers to the physical process the Earth will undergo to move into her next cycle. The reason the day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night, is that you don't KNOW when a thief is going to come and rob you. The ones who don't KNOW, are the tares (or weeds). They are not prepared, because their souls have not grown to a level of knowing required for them to be eligible to inhabit the New Earth. The day of judgement only becomes necessary because of this shift by the Earth closer to the Light of the Creator. Because of this move, new rules regarding who may live on the Earth require this judgement, or sorting process. The perdition of ungodly men refers to the loss the soul experiences because it may not continue with the Earth, due to its lack in godliness, determined by its level of soul growth knowing. For example, if a person does not believe there is a Creator, then he does not KNOW the Creator, nor that he is indeed ONE with the Creator. At this point the person is incompatible with the kind of life the Earth will be sustaining. A life where the inhabitants are knowing the Creator and each other as ONE with each other and ONE with the Creator. From this type of living, a certain kind of growth for the soul will be offered, that differs from the opportunities we have now, sharing this Earth with souls that know and dont know. The tares will have to be taken to a world or worlds where they may continue from where they left off on the Earth. A place suitable for their souls to continue to grow in the knowing of the Creator. These tares, weeds, ungodly, are NOT destroyed!! They will be transported in spaceships flown by other life forms, which we call aliens. This soon coming exodus from the Earth by both the wheat and the tares, is the reason that there is increasing contact with alien life forms. We often wonder why the aliens are so interested in the Earth. This world has an atypical plethora of varied life forms, providing extraordinary opportunites for soul growth. The many species of plant and animal life here is not common to worlds. The creation is ever growing and evolving, and this planet is indeed a Paradise, and a garden of Eden. So there are alien people, who are also at differing levels of knowing the Creator, who are coming to Earth at this time of the end of an age. Some aliens are aligned toward the Light, and some are aligned away from the Light. Simply put, they are in the same various levels of soul growth that we are. EJ>Ooooooooooooooooooooh (long sorrowful moan). EJ>Ooooooooooooooooooooh The moaning refers to the sorrow being felt by the Earth and the Creator, and anyone else, who cares for the tares who will not be able to continue with the Earth into her next phase. This fact caused all my crying. My crying was increased and lengthened by my willingness to be identified with the Earth and her Creator; in a sense I cried for them, as a witness to their deep, and heart felt sorrow for this situation. As the Bible says that God created man in His image, our Creator can be sorrowful. Please see the book of second Peter, chapter 3, verse 9. "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentence." This means the Creator has patience, and does not plan to destroy any souls, but wills that all should turn away from darkness, toward the Light. EJ>Cultivate the freshest flower, This verse refers to paying close attention to the nurturing of one precious flower. This flower represents the Bride of Christ. The bride of christ is the church. The church is the body of Christ. The body of Christ is all those souls who will be saved. Simply, this one flower represents all souls who have attained the minimum soul growth knowing, to continue with the earth. Jesus promised when he went to Heaven, to send the Spirit of God to people to help them. This Spirit cultivates this freshest flower. This Spirit is the one which is, in the last days, poured out upon all flesh. The Bible reference is the book of Joel, chapter 2, verses 28 to 32. Because this reference is so important, and I know how some folks can be lazy, I will quote all the verses here. These verses are referred to by the apostle Peter, on the day of Pentecost, the day the Holy Spirit was sent to earth to help people. On that day, the disciples spoke of the wondrous works of God, and people of many different languages were hearing the disciples' words in their own native language. This phenomenon is supposed to happen again in the last days, so that those who speak of God's wondrous works will be heard and understood by all. Just another example of our Creator's patience, love, and willingness that all should be eligible to continue into the millenium age on Earth. Quoting our Creator: OC>"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out OC>my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters OC>shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young OC>men shall see visions: OC> OC>and also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days OC>will I pour out my Spirit. OC> OC>And I will show wonders in the Heavens and in the Earth, blood, OC>and fire, and pillars of smoke. OC> OC>The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, OC>before the great and terrible day of the Lord come. OC> OC>And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on OC>the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion OC>and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath OC>said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call." I am persuaded that this prophecy is being fulfilled right now. Many of you reading this text, participate in electronic message transfers, and you have seen message areas devoted to discussing prophecy, dreams, visions, altered states of consciousness, UFO's, meditation, Out of body experiences, paranormal, new age, pagan, native american religion and prophecy, religion, the Bible, Buddhism, Hinduism, Bahai, Mormonism, Christianity, contactees, channelling, alien visitors, interfaith, and on and on. The list of topics concerning the coming events of the last days of this age are a witness that the Spirit of our Creator is being poured out upon all people; all people; all people. The wonders that will be shown refer to the great Earth Changes we will experience here during that time. Just as with a seasonal change, as from Winter to Spring, the Earth will undergo physical changes to prepare to birth the new age. These changes are not to punish the inhabitants. The changes are a natural physical phenomenon. People who experience hardship during the changes, as we all will, will be blessed with having an opportunity to consider, seriously, what they are knowing about their existence. Fear for your life? No. Not fear. Not fear for those who are knowing the Creator. For them, it will be a time of great Joy, in the midst of physical hardship, because they know that their time to enter the great millenium age is near. And because they have a relationship with the Creator, they will see Him keep them through the Earth Changes. Just like the Ark kept Noah, like the three guys who were kept from burning in the fiery furnace in Daniel's time, and like Lot was kept from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. These are examples given in the Bible scriptures of how our Creator can keep you THROUGH an ordeal. The people who are knowing the Creator will be spreading that knowing and Joy to other people who are receptive to this knowing, and who will then join in with the Joy and spreading of Joy. Those who are not knowing the Creator AND are not receptive to hearing of this knowing, will experience the fear. The fear of the loss of the body. The fear of death; the bondage of death, which if they only KNEW, has no power over them. Yet, as each soul has free will, each will be about choosing for himself how he will experience this great time of change; the Earth Changes. The Earth Changes will be a major opportunity for 'accelerated' soul growth. And so our Creator has said, in Joel, whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord, shall be delivered. Whosoever means anyone. Not JUST Christians. There is no 'special' formula. Those who have come to KNOW the Creator, the same shall be saved. "But without FAITH it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must BELIEVE that he IS, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." (He 11:6 emphasis mine). The whosoever must first believe that the Creator exists, then seek the Creator, and then once the Creator is found to be within the whosoever, as we are all ONE with the Creator, THEN the whosoever will KNOW the Creator. There will then be no more need for faith, as he will know for himself. And this knowing 'saves' him a spot in the new millenial age on the new Earth. EJ>Cultivate the freshest flower, EJ>this garden ever grew. The garden refers to Earth; this Paradise of a world. The freshest flower of all the people who are knowing God will have been cultivated by the Spirit of God. EJ>In beneath these branches, The branches refer to the people who are knowing the Creator, who are likened to the branches growing out of a Vine. The Vine is Jesus the Christ. This verse relates to the places in the Bible where Jesus is called the Vine and his people the branches. People who are familiar with this terminology will get the message. EJ>I once wrote, EJ>such childish Words for You. The "I" here is Jesus speaking. His Words that he spoke when He was on Earth, were not childish, but 'of a child', a child of God. As an example to us, of a person knowing God, as a child knows it's Father, the words of Jesus are used to this day. EJ>But that's OK. What's OK? The entire situation referred to in this song. The situation that will result in the tares having to go elsewhere for soul growth. They cannot return to Earth, after her change, after the 'Summer burned the Earth again'. Why is it OK? That is explained in the next part. EJ>There's Treasures Children always seek to find. We are all Children of God. We are all One with the One Creator. The treasures we seek, are experiences that bring us closer and closer to the Light of God. The Ultimate Treasure is returning once again to God, the Creator, the Source, The All That Is. It's OK that the tares don't get to continue with Earth, because they will still continue to grow toward God. They will go on seeking, as we all will, and have been seeking. EJ>And just like us, EJ>you must have had, EJ>a once upon a time! The "us" are the wheat, or the people who will be eligible to continue with the Earth. Here the song closes with the assurance that the wheat and the tares are alike. They both have had past soul growth and experience. And so, they both will continue to do so. EJ>Ooooooooooooooooooooh (27 long sorrowful moans. after the ninth EJ>moan, the background vocals chant in refrain, "Love to Love EJ>you baby". About half the track of this song, on the record, contains these 27 long and sorrowful moans. In a sense, it is a sad day that is approaching. A day when people will be divided up into two camps and whisked away on spaceships, some to return later to Earth, when she is ready, and others to other world(s), suitable to their nature. The "Love to Love you baby" refers to the relationship between a soul and it's Creator, which is, Love to Love; and of course we are all Children of God, or the Father's babies. The title, "CURTAINS" sums it up in one word. It's curtains for you guys, or life is but a stage.... The CURTAIN of this age is coming down and closing. The actors will leave the theatre. The Play is over. It is my hope that this message has some meaning for you. It is NOT my intention to offend anyone, so if your feelings are hurt, stop hurting now. I would like to say that there are many people who are coming into a knowing about this situation; they are awakening. They are preparing themselves for the Earth Changes, and the New Earth, both physically and spiritually. Best of all they are ready to help other people wake up and come to a knowing that will guarantee them a space in the New Earth. BIBLIOGRAPHY The following books have played a part in my understanding and in my interpretation of the supposed prophecy contained in this song. THE BIBLE - KING JAMES VERSION THE ANCIENT WISDOM - ANNIE BESANT -ISBN-08356-7038-4 THE FELLOWSHIP - BRAD STEIGER - ISBN-08041-0373-9 MESSAGES FROM MICHAEL - CHELSEA QUINN YARBRO - ISBN 0-425-10437-0 MORE MESSAGES FROM MICHAEL - CHELSEA QUINN YARBRO - - ISBN 0-425-08662-3 MICHAEL'S PEOPLE - CHELSEA QUINN YARBRO - ISBN 0-425-10932-1 THE COMING OF SETH - JANE ROBERTS - ISBN-671-804-154 THE SETH MATERIAL - JANE ROBERTS - ISBN - 0-553-20550-1 SETH SPEAKS - JANE ROBERTS - ISBN - 0-553-25592-4 THE RA MATERIAL - ISBN - 0-89865-260-X THE LAW OF ONE, BOOK II - RA - ISBN -0-924608-09-9 THE LAW OF ONE, BOOK III - RA - ISBN - 0-924608-08-0 THE LAW OF ONE, BOOK IV - RA - ISBN - 0-924608-10-2 NEW TEACHINGS - THE CHRIST - ISBN - 0-937147-00-1 THE STARSEED TRANSMISSIONS - RAPHAEL - 0-912949-00-7 RECREATING YOUR LIFE FROM THE CORE OF YOUR BEINGNESS - N.K. VANDEGRIFT ISBN - 0-944363-02-4 LIFE FORCE - O.M. AIVANHOV - ISBN - 2-85566-419-5 A NEW BEGINNING I - J. & E. HICKS - ISBN - 0-9621219-3-2 THE GATEKEEPER - PATRICIA HAYES (NO ISBN) My best wishes are on YOU! BBS# 508-586-6977 FIDO 1:330/201 SEARCHNET 114:1/0
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An excerpt of the original SEARCHNT.DOC which was sent to all who inquired about joining SearchNet.
SEARCHNET International Searching For Your Individual PATH Network. This document shall serve as an introduction to SEARCHNET, information about the Network and, most importantly, how to join us. Welcome to SEARCHNET, a network created to provide a place for all entities to discuss their individual search for the meaning of their lives. Since March, 1993, Searchnet has grown to include over 40 member nodes. In addition to discussing our spiritual paths, we have included a wealth of information on the state of our beloved planet, Earth. Discussions about conspiracies, U.F.O.'s, The Patriot Movement, The New World Order, Survival, Earth Changes, The coming Earth Transformation, and a spiritual interpretation of today's news events. Often there are penetrating explanations of the REAL NEWS, behind the news. Join our SearchNet discussions for alternative views of world events. SEARCHNET was created by Glenda Stocks, a young woman in her thirties, who saw a need for a network that invites people who have come to a point in their lives where they are searching for answers to the meaning of existence. A network for people who are asking, "Who am I?", "What is my mission in life", "How did I get here", "How can I be, the best I can be", SEARCHNET attempts to provide a forum for the airing of these questions. Not limited to any one religion, SEARCHNET is open to discussion of all paths, spiritual and non-spiritual. SEARCHNET would also like to be a network for information exchange. A network where people of varying abilities and expertise may come and inform others of what they have experienced on their path. In this regard, SEARCHNET has a strict policy of TOLERANCE. All people are welcome, and all beliefs and non-beliefs are to be respected, among all participants on SEARCHNET.
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Another Historical milestone was reached in SearchNet, when in June, 1994, I made the following announcement to all members.
To: SearchNet SysOps and Snet-l Mailing list members! From: Glenda Stocks ZEC and List owner Because some may consider me the captain of this ship, carrying the SearchNet network and the mailing list, I think that it is important for me to tell you that I am changing *MY* focus. *NOTE* The network and mailing list will continue to cover all the topics! *NOTE* First, I am no longer emphasizing issues about Conspiracies, The New World Order, and Politics. I feel that I am informed, enough about these issues, and that you should also be informed about them, by this time. Second, I am, instead, going to focus on the issue of Preparing For Transformation. This focus is on an INNER preparation, not an OUTER one. The concern will NOT be on physical survival tips, such as storing food. Instead, I would like to learn more about each soul preparing itself to be transformed from this third dimensional consciousness, to Christ consciousness, or fourth dimensional consciousness. Third, I am continuing to focus on the U.F.O. issue. My feeling is that these Visitors' intentions run the full gamut that any human's would; that is Good, Bad, Indifferent, and all in between. The fact is, that I, personally, accept all of the above; I accept all that God has created, and honor the free will of all. I want to focus on those relevant factors of the UFO question that pertain to an individual's personal transformation. Fourth, I want to focus on the Marriage between Science and Spirituality. There is a common denominator that combines the two, without contradiction. I want to study this enough, to be able to discuss it with everyone, in ways that non-scientific minds will understand. This study will not take long, but I need the right study materials. Combining all these issues, I am led to consider 'most' of the physical realm issues to have become, in a sense, moot points. We have seen that in these last days, all secrets are being uncovered. As it says in the Book of Daniel, people will run to and fro, and knowledge will be increased. It is time to SEARCH the truths that are RELEVANT to our transformation. All else does not matter. The keys to the marriage between Science and Spirituality must be revealed. As you may have discerned from conversations on the nets on various issues, human beings tend to fall into two groups; those who know through intellect and those who know through intuition. The marriage of the intellectual and the intuitive sides of humans will increase the awakening of all people on our beloved Earth. The history of the interaction between humans and off-world entities must be revealed to those who can know the truth of this matter through their intuition, AND to those who can only know through their intellect. With the uncovering of how the universe is ordered, will come the understanding of how God conducts the business of souls manifesting on planets, and how those souls raise their consciousness. All these issues can be shown, scientifically. All you scientists out there working on these issues, must NOW come forward; peer pressure notwithstanding. Some spiritualists say that we are God, and some strive to be One with God; well it is time that we know God's business and tell others how things are done. Some scientists say that facts that can be believed are demonstrated in the laboratory; well it is time for those scientists who have discovered the various links to how Creation works, to come out of hiding and tell others how things are done. Both groups, spiritualists, and scientists, will be telling us all the same things. With the knowledge of these truths, which will be true and fact for both, those who know intellectually, and those who know intuitively, the consciousness of people everywhere will be more ready to transform to the next level(s). Yes, there is a critical mass, that when reached, then EVERYONE will gain the benefit of this raise in consciousness. With these kinds of practical isssues in mind, the physical realm issues of NWO and world slavery are not, as much, worth our time, energy, and effort. As many of you have heard, the soul of Earth, itself, will be transforming; raising it's consciousness level. We may not want to allow the NWO and it's conspiracies to distract us from being in concert with this move of our planet. Some people, are probably 'angry' about what the power elite has planned for us, but I feel that even the power elite are victims of theirs and others' doings. The controllers need the same help that we do. They watch us, and what we find out, they found out. Let us all work together, to literally save our own souls.
END of announcement
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Moderator: pom@clark.net Moderator: steve@anomalous-images.com Assistant Moderaror: Bill Bauer @ 1:147/113 bill.bauer%f113.n147@xbn.shore.net Please send all inquiries to pom@clark.net WELCOME TO SNETNEWS! GUIDELINES TO TOPICS in SNETNEWS Global government. The prevailing view here is a sentiment of opposition to totalitarian control of the masses by covert and overt enslavement and suppression of Universal human rights. i.e. New World Order. (note: some favor some forms of global government) Conspiracies and Coverups. Corruptions, whistleblowers, propaganda, staged events, historical revisionisms, secret governments, controlled media, secret technologies, and UFO/Alien agendas, coverups, and uncoverups. Any other aspects of the UFO question should be discussed in our sister conference, iufo@xbn.shore.net (I_UFO). Earth changes, major accidents, and terrorism. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, unusual hail, and other natural disasters as relates to the apparent upswing in geological activity on our beloved Earth Home. Also including ties to man-made or suspected man-induced disasters and ACCIDENTS, such as train derailments, plane crashes, bombings, and terrorist activities. Human Rights abuses and Suppressions of Freedoms. Crackdowns on religious expressions, propaganda against certain groups, NWO embargos against nations, WTO and IMF sanctions and controls of nations' economies, exploitation of labor populations, agent provacateurs within 'dissident' groups. Mind control Controlled media propaganda, peer pressure, psyops (psychological operations), compromised educational systems, scientific technologies used to effect control of people's minds, and other activities of intelligence agencies including invasion of privacy, setups (sting operations), harassment, and villifications of prominent leaders of groups seeking freedom(s). Other topics related to the above may be discussed. Religious and spiritual aspects of the topics are also allowed. SNETNEWS does NOT adopt or impose any particular viewpoint to which any participant should feel compelled to conform. No ridiculing of anyone's ideas is allowed. You may not use ridicule to refute, rebut, or analyze another person or his ideas. Nevertheless, you may post your questions, disagreement, substantive refutation, rebuttal, or analysis of posted ideas. The anti-NWO sentiment described above is only a consensus the participants themselves seem to have. You may disagree all you want and form a niche in the mix of discussions for your viewpoint, but you may not use ridicule or flames. Mentioning items for sale related to the topics, is permissable. RULES FOR POSTING Tolerance. * STRICTLY ENFORCED * Everyone must respect the opinions, beliefs, knowings, and posted experiences of all members of the list. If you ridicule/insult a person or his ideas, you will be moderated. If you must AIR your intolerant views with a poster, then please use private, direct, E-mail. * NO EXCEPTIONS * You are not to attempt, in any way to moderate other participants of SNETNEWS. If you are flamed or ridiculed, you should ignore it. LET THE MODERATORS DO THE MODERATING. Do not complain about HOW the conference is run, send your comments to pom@clark.net. News and Discussion guidelines. We would like to see some members post articles on the topics of the list. Use this mailing list to get vital information out to the members, who may also inform others. Be advised that postings may be cross-posted to other networks. Please refrain from chit-chat messages. If you must reply to a member with a one line response, like "ok" or "I Agree", etc., please send private E-mail. We encourage postings from other mailing lists, Networks, and publications; however, PLEASE be SURE that you have permission. We encourage the sharing of postings FROM this listing with other mailing lists, networks, etc., and would appreciate a mention of our mailing list as the source. Although we do not frown upon discussions of the various postings, we would like to keep the list as information intensive as possible. The moderator may ask that a lengthy, non-informative discussion, be concluded within a reasonable amount of time (see chit-chat above). Do not use profanity in your messages, or else substitute some asterisk symbols if you are really exasperated and want to make a point. "Hell" and "Damn" are allowed, the F word is NOT, neither are the rest of the "nasty words." No sexual vulgarities, and no sexual preference bashing. Religion and spirituality have been accepted as part of some people's overall views on these issues, and those aspects ARE allowed here. No particular religion or spiritual view is imposed on participants in SNETNEWS. Remember, let the moderator do the moderating. Multiple-part postings of information is allowed and encouraged. Please try to keep the size of large file postings below 32,000 bytes. For large files, post an excerpt and instructions for how to obtain the whole file. HISTORY OF SNETNEWS CONFERENCE SNETNEWS was added to Fidonet in September 1995, as an extension of SearchNet's popular Internet mailing list, called snet-l. Snet-l started over a year before that, as a semi-private discussion list for political, spiritual and ufological discussion. Earlier in 1995, snet-l was split and most UFO discussions were moved to a new mailing list called iufo. You may monitor iufo from fidonet by requesting the fidonet echo called I_UFO. Although most postings related to UFOlogy were moved FROM snetnews, there remains some UFO discussion, that you may see posted here in SNETNEWS. Only the aspects of conspiracy and propaganda related to the UFO question, are ON-TOPIC here in SNETNEWS. All other aspects of the UFO question should be posted to iufo@alterzone.com (I_UFO). Remember to let the moderator do the moderating. Be tolerant of other people and their ideas, and do not ridicule or flame anyone. I am looking for us to have a friendly, respectful atmosphere, here in SNETNEWS, and even to have a little fun with some tough issues that I am sure we all realize that we are facing. The RULES file for SNETNEWS are subject to change. Last updated: 05/23/96 by Glenda Stocks
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I_UFO CONFERENCE RULES AS OF MAY 20, 1996 Discussions in I_UFO are related to anything involving the existence of Unidentified Flying Objects and their possible origins. TWO PREMISES: 1. UFOs exist - there are such things as Unidentified Flying Objects. 2. That some UFOs MIGHT be piloted by beings who originate from somewhere other than our planet, or from other than our physical dimension, and may have been here all along from inner Earth societies spoken of through the ages in myths and lore. Based on the premise that there _are_ UFOs and that there _might_ be E.T., this echo is not for debating, proving or disproving whether UFOs or E.T.s exist or not. This is an echo where information on these topics will be shared _respectfully_ by its participants. I_UFO is _also_ for discussion of what is commonly called _new science_, based on the following premise: That there are alternative ways to perceive and describe phenomenon in the universe. That some of these viewpoints might lend _increased_ understanding of our universe and our position and part in it. DISCUSSION TOPICS: Primarily, discussions should be based on any aspect of the UFO phenomenon. Sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects. Possible identification of flying objects that were previously unidentified. i.e.: gov't. craft, and crashed UFOs. Experiences of encounters with extra terrestrials: abductions, sightings, telepathic communication, and possible genetic overtones affecting new species and hybridization. Possible technologies used by UFOs and IFOs, their possible origins and historical references to these. Possible government cover-up(s) related to UFOs and the possible ramifications on our existaence as a life form on this planet. UFOlogy - organizations, ufologists, ufological practices. Extra-terrestrials: types, motives, activities, and related experiences to all of the above. Secondarily, discussions may also be based on aspects of new evolving sciences. Unified Field Theories Synergetic analysis of whole systems Geometric analysis of archetypal patterns Theories of Conciousness' affect on perceived phenomenon Theories of technologies used in UFOs and IFOs. CONDUCT OF PARTICIPANTS: Posted messages are expected to reflect an _open_ and _friendly_ atmosphere. This echo should be considered a _layman's_ "Science and UFO _Club_. Participants are encouraged to post their experiences, deductions, _ideas_ and speculations_ on the echo topics. This echo can be a place where participants can brainstorm their ideas together to for a tentative _whole_ picture of a topic into forum groups. (forum groups means find your niche and join in the discussion, or start a topic and form a new niche within the forum) Participants can expect to see varied viewpoints of the echo topics, and learn about how some viewpoints are formulated and why. Participants may mention items for sale, prices for publications, prices for conference meetings, etc. THE FOLLOWING ARE NOT ALLOWED AT ANY TIME: NO PROFANE LANGUAGE. NO VULGARITY. NO GAY-BASHING. NO PERSONAL ATTACKS AGAINST ANY PERSON OR ORGANIZATION. DO NOT POST DISPARAGING REMARKS AGAINST THE CHARACTER OF ANY PARTICIPANTS. NO NAME-CALLING. NO LONG THREADS ON TOPICS NOT RELATED TO UFOs AND NEW SCIENCE. FINISH UP YOUR OFF-TOPIC CHIT-CHATS QUICKLY, OR MOVE THEM TO NETMAIL/EMAIL, AND PLEASE GET BACK ON TOPIC. NO ATTEMPTS BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE MODERATORS TO MODERATE THE ECHO. LET THE MODERATORS DO THE MODERATING. IF YOU SEE A POST THAT IS AN INFRACTION OF THE RULES, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO IT. IF YOU ARE _FLAMED_, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY. YOU CAN BRING IT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE MODERATORS IN NETMAIL/EMAIL. NO BICKERING - DEFINED AS GOING BACK AND FORTH BELABORING THE SAME POINT. MAKE YOUR POINTS AND AGREE TO DISAGREE AGREEABLY. NO SNIDE REMARKS - DEFINED AS SLIPPING SUBTLE FLAMES AGAINST ANOTHER USER, WITHIN YOUR OTHERWISE FLAME-FREE MESSAGE. NO NEGATIVE INNUENDO - DEFINED AS FLAMING ANOTHER USER BY IMPLYING SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT THE PERSON, CHARACTER OR BELIEFS. NO BADGERING - DEFINED AS HARASSING ANOTHER USER BY CONTINUING TO ASK FOR CLARIFICATION ON WHY A PARTICIPANT SAYS WHAT HE SAYS. YOU MAY DISCUSS A PARTICIPANT'S POSTING TO GAIN A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF HOW HE IS THINKING. iF THE PERSON RESPONDS AND DOES NOT ANSWER YOUR REQUEST TO YOUR SATISFACTION OR IS UNABLE, DROP THE SUBJECT AND GO ON WITH THE DISCUSSION. NO PUBLIC POSTING ABOUT ANY MODERATOR ACTION OR IN-ACTION. SEND YOUR COMMENTS VIA NETMAIL/EMAIL TO: JANE SEGAL, HEAD MODERATOR, AT jane.segal@allofus.org FIDO: 1:209/276 STEVE WINGATE, ASSISTANT MODERATOR, INTERNET steve@anomalous-images.com CHRIS TERRANEAU, ASSISTANT MODERATOR, SCIENCE SPECIALIST TERRANEA@NICIMG.COM OR FIDO: 1:202/746 IF YOU WISH TO POST, THEN START A DISCUSSION, OR PARTICIPATE IN A DISCUSSION. IF YOUR POSTING BEHAVIOUR IS SUCH THAT YOU ARE CONSTANTLY INCITING ARGUMENT, DISRUPTING DISCUSSIONS BY EMPHASIZING THE CHARACTER OF A PARTICIPANT, COMPLAING ABOUT THE ECHO, AND SIMILAR _ANNOYING BEHAVIOR, THEN YOU ARE SUBJECT TO MODERATION, WARNINGS, AND SUSPENSION FROM THIS FORUM. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MODERATE ANY OTHER USER. DO NOT POST ABOUT THE MODERATION ON THE ECHO. DO NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT THE PURPOSE OF THIS ECHO. DO NOT TELL ANY USER THAT THEY ARE OFF-TOPIC. ********LEAVE THE MODERATING TO THE MODERATORS******** ANYONE WHO BREAKS THESE RULES IS SUBJECT TO HAVING HIS/HER FEED OR POSTING PRIVILEGE TO I_UFO CUT PERMANENTLY OR PUT ON PROBATION, ****WITHOUT WARNING****. THE MODERATORS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO GIVE WARNINGS BEFORE SUSPENDING OR REVOKING ACCESS TO THIS I_UFO ECHO. ENFORCEMENT OF ANY ECHO RULES IS UP TO THE DISCRETION OF THE MODERATOR(S). EVERYONE MUST BE ***TOLERANT*** OF OTHER PEOPLE'S OPINIONS, AND STATED EXPERIENCES. This conference is carried by SearchNet, FIDOnet and Internet and Mufonet. PARTICIPATE IN A DISCUSSION. Thank you for your participation. Mailing list instructions below: To unsubscribe, send a message to majordomo@world.std.com In the text of the message, write unsubscribe iufo. See below: From: joe.user@somewhere.com To: majordomo@world.std.com Sbj: none unsubscribe iufo If Your email box malfunctions and bounces a lot of mail, then you will be unsubscribed. If you notice that you are not getting messages, then resubscribe by sending a message to majordomo@alterzone.com. In the text of the message, write subscribe iufo. See below: From: joe.user@somewhere.com To: majordomo@world.std.com Sbj: none subscribe iufo To post and share your messages with everyone on the list, send your posting to iufo@alterzone.com. A copy of your posted message will be sent back to you. See below: From: joe.user@somewhere.com To: iufo@world.std.com Sbj: my first post! Hi all! I am new here...blah blah blah
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There is a semi-private mailing list available for discussion among readers of the Right Use Of Will book series. (RUOW) If you would like to subscribe, please send a message to owner-ruow@xbn.shore.net. Please put RUOW in the subject line. In the message, please tell me which, if any of the books, you have read, and a little bit about why you would like to join our discussion list. We are looking for people who are serious about applying the solutions mentioned in the books. Below is some info on the books and one source from which to obtain the books. Right Use of Will There are a series of 6 books which cover issues concering Right Use Of Will (RUOW). They are written by Ceanne DeRohan, and published by: FOUR WINDS PUBLICATIONS 535 W. Cordova Road Suite 112 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 I have asked a local book seller and she is able to order these books for you. Call and ask for Christy (or her husband) to order. 508-378-3350 THE ANGEL'S LOFT 403 Bedford St. E. Bridgewater MA 02333 all times are Eastern Standard Time Mondays thru Fridays 10am to 9pm Saturdays 10am to 5pm Sundays 12pm to 5pm Expect to pay $2.00 for shipping and handling for each book, or a little less per book, if you buy more than one book. ------------------------------ Prices are approximate (as seen inside the books) Book 1 - $ 9.00 (c) 1984, 1986 123pp Book 2 - $ 9.00 (c) 1986 198pp Book 3 - $10.00 (c) 1987 182pp Book 4 - $11.00 (c) 1989 230pp Book 5 - $15.00 (c) 1992 260pp Book 6 - $16.00 (c) 1995 257pp ------------------------------- Allow 2 to 4 weeks for delivery. Book 1 RIGHT USE OF WILL Healing and Evolving the Emotional Body Book 2 ORIGINAL CAUSE 1 The Unseen Role of Denial Book 3 ORIGINAL CAUSE 2 The Reflection Lost Will Has to Give Book 4 EARTH SPELL The Loss of Consciousness on Earth Book 5 HEART SONG Vibrating Heartlessness to Let Heart in Book 6 LAND OF PAN The Loss of Power and Magic on Earth ----------------------------- A blurb from the back of book 6: "These books need to be read in order. Getting ready for the sequels involves moving along with the material in Right Use of WIll enough to know if this information is right for you. These books let you know your Original Cause by helping you access belief systems lost in the subconscious long ago, yet influencing your life every day." ----------------------------- I recommend these books to anyone who has already been consciously working on their emotional body. I also recommend them to Christians. And finally, I recommend them to anyone who is conscious and looking for solutions to this world's problems.
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Established: September 28, 1995 NEOTECH mailing list The NEOTECH discussion list is an invitation-only forum for researchers, scientists, and laypeople who are interested in a variety of topics related to Post Modern Sciences and their application. Your host and list owner, is Glenda Stocks (ladynada@ix.netcom.com). I was inspired to create this list, by the work of Jerry Decker and his Keelynet network. The following list of topics are examples of the kinds of issues that we would like to address in this forum: Post Modern Scientific Thought Free energy theory and devices Aether theories Anti-Gravity and FTL theory Devices and Applications Alternative Health Sacred Geometry - special ratios Conference Announcements Contact Information Suppressed Technologies Hyperdimensional Physics Monoatomic Elements Unified Field Theory Resonance Theory Consciousness Issues related to all of the above We are looking for a friendly and informal atmosphere of mutual sharing of ideas, discoveries, contact information and working projects. Our hope is to bring people on the leading edge of technologies that will be used for the benefit of all people and our planet. Subscribers will be by invitation only and subject to approval by the list owner. Feel free to invite your colleagues and friends. If you would like to be on this discussion list, please send a message to: owner-neotech@xbn.shore.net
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