Spirit-WWW! A dedicated spiritual world-wide-web site which comprehends spirituality in a modern context in review of ancient teachings and religious belief-systems. The site is independent of any kind specific religious belief-system or movement, but tries to give an overview of manifold forms of spirituality.
Consciousness, Awareness and Self-Empowerment Factors Affecting Social and Planetary Development Analysis of Overt and Covert Systems of Control Primary and Free Energy Technologies Alien Interaction With the Planetary Population Analysis of Structures of Consciousness Development Development of Unique Solutions to Planetary Problems Advanced Communications Superluminal Quantum Technologies Space,Time and Unified Field Technology Planetary, Individual and Social Integration Processes Crystalline Matrix Optical and Electromagnetic Applications Alternative Health and Sciences Evolutionary Processes and Implementation
The concept of Genesis II is simple. The stated curriculum of Genesis I was to learn about good and evil. The foreshadowing was that this classroom would accelerate at the end of time, to help even the most dense human people to get to the end of the good and evil thought, by seeing the cause and effect of right and wrong action choices.
This would enable graduates of the Genesis I educational program to form an harmonic convergence with a more highly evolved intelligence in order to combat the unforgivable sin of STUPIDITY, and the self destruction of the human race and its nurturing habitat.
The inaugural meeting of the "UNITED NATIONS GENESIS II PROGRAM" was held in the tiny village of Actinolite, Ontario, Canada, in June 1983. It was convened by volunteer United Nations servers from many parts of the world, and multiple cultural backgrounds. All participants were dedicated to the theme of ONE PLANET - ONE PEOPLE.
Man graduates from Genesis I with 20/20 vision. This means he is able to see beyond the obvious up-front stage effects from his seat in stalls, but he can also see the outcome of BLACK MAGIC that bombards the mind's eye with light flashes of an illusionary effect which suggest that mankind can thrive as a divided people.
20/20 vision was the first requirement of the Council Members. All "moats and beams" in eyes were carefully identified. The value of Unity of Mind became clear, when the members were informed that this was the year to begin shifting the balance of power from those entrenched in old world stupidity to the Ascended Masters.
The United Nations Genesis II program is for THE COMMON PEOPLE. It is composed of dedicated volunteers from all walks of life. Many of these were mentally elevated by interaction with the superior wisdom of extra terrestrial beings, who have been hovering around this planet for decades - perhaps centuries - trying to midwife the birth of a whole new specie, as the adolescent souls of Genesis I reach full spiritual maturation to become the people of Genesis II.
According to the original script, the action of Genesis I was blueprinted in 6 Cosmic Days. Our goal is to complete the matrix of Genesis II, using our wonderful new powers of high- technology-pulling-the-cart-of-positive-solution which serves ALL THE PEOPLE OF EARTH - in a similar 6-Day time period. There is a light at the end of the tunnel but WE NEED ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET. WE ARE THE HUMAN RACE TRIUMPHANT - UNITED WE CAN DO IT!
The Institute for New Energy
P.O. Box 58639, Salt Lake City, UT 84158-8639
TEL 801-583-6232, FAX 801-583-2963, ine@padrak.com, www.padrak.com/ine/
The Institute For New Energy (INE) is an official US non-profit technical organization and is a co-sponsor of the International Symposium On New Energy (ISNE). It is a membership organization whose monthly newsletter "The New Energy News" (NEN) reports the latest findings in New Energy research. The Institute's primary purpose is to promote research and educate society of the importance of alternative energy. It is also related to the International Association For New Science, whose goal it is to institute a paradigm shift in science and healing.
The Institute For New Energy believes that the planet Earth is in peril and something needs to be done immediately to save it from environmental destruction. The INE believes that one key to solving the environmental holocaust is with New Energy Technologies. The INE believes it is imperative that this technology be researched, developed, and released to the public and industry to save this planet. The International Symposium On New Energy has been held twice to discuss these issues.
"New Energy" or "Advanced Energy" technology includes theory, research, construction, and the testing of advanced energy devices. These devices and systems may operate with a higher efficiency than those used today, and include advanced concepts where the energy conversion may appear to be over unity (such as in a dam or in a transistor). This means there is a greater energy output from a system compared to the energy input.
Space Power Generators, "over unity" and "free energy" machines, scalar wave theory, magnetic motors, vortex mechanics, cold fusion, electro-static generators, nuclear isotopes, motional magnetic fields, zero-point energy, N-machines, homopolar generators, and other concepts.
The INE affiliates with and interacts with many other US and international organizations, such as the International Association For New Science (IANS) in the US, and the Planetary Association for Clean Energy (PACE) in Canada. The INE was formed as an outgrowth from the IANS in 1993, and maintains an information network exchange of information with any other technical society, non-profit organization, or professional group - anywhere.
To bring together outstanding international New Energy researchers and their theories and devices, who will share and discuss their latest findings. The goals of this open symposium are to stimulate new research ideas, coalesce researchers with industry, and to find funding sources. The full Proceedings of the papers from the 1993 and the 1994 ISNE are still available for about $50.00 each.
MEMBERSHIP (Includes The Monthly Issue of New Energy News)
$35.00 per year, and non-profit tax deductible. $50.00 per year for 1st class postage and addresses outside of the US. Corporations, libraries, and universities are $60.00 per year, or $75.00 with 1st class postage.
Single issues of New Energy News are available for $3.00 each, sent via 1st class mail.
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