1997 Reality KOR0
The Controllers will fail KOR1
The People will remove the controllers KOR2
Humans: Unite & Don't Cowar! KOR3
Kortron's Christmas Message!
From: kortron@appstate.campus.mci.net
To: iufo@world.std.com
Subject: IUFO: 1997 Reality ALL
Date: Wed, 25 Dec 96 17:03:24 +0000
-> SearchNet's IUFO Mailing List
Hi All: It's been a few years now since I-UFO was created, In doing my
motives were and still are to promote reality versus the illusion
people exist in. Thanks to Glenda this medium now exists for this to
occur, and hopefully we are accomplishing that goal.
The time slot was and is in a circle Earth is approaching. The
ancients called it the Age Of Kali. That circle has gone it's coarse
and is about to reach it's ending. It's ending is when the complete
circle revolves around to it's point of origion. This is what 1997
represents to humanity.
When Kali started certain things were created to mask reality. They
were the designed intention that was created that veiled the created
human from it's Creator the lesser Gods that created man. This was
done because they created you in their image and this fact created a
fear that set in that you would become them. In Sitchens Earth
Chronicles this was revealed when the Gods created Societies,
Priesthoods, and the separation of your true origions. When all along
they just wanted an intelligent slave.
This simple fact is the root of todays predictiment man will soon see,
fully understand, and have to accept in the coming year or perish.
Those of extraterestrial origions left behind to manage this world
will become unmasked and fully exposed to all humanity as the single
aspect that has created every single change humanity has endured under
their management. Everything in history effecting Earth was decided
and implimented by the management who remained hidden behind the
scenes and made every decision effecting you and me.
Those coming will access the prime directive of those left here in
management of this planet and determine if the directives given were
kept! Since this occured many thousands of years in Earths past,
management has changed from the original group left in charge! Not
once but several times do to inner conflicts among their own! Those
incharge now are in a real sense holding the bag for each and every
management system before them and also what their own has created that
is in place now, and will be judged by what's coming in ninety seven.
Not only that, but changes in life forms here will also be looked at
and evaluated.
The prime directive is not known to any human. It is only known to the
secret management group in charge. Everything occuring on the planet
now in changes that all of you see taking place is because of a great
fear the prime directive holds to those incharge they have not kept.
To rectify this controls are being tightened to try and substitute
things that will be accepted and will indicate they are inline with
the prime directive of those returning. Everything else not right will
be blanmed on you. You my brother and sister are the scape goats for
their deeds, not yours.
This situation has become difficult because man has evolved and has
risen above what he/she was originally created for. This fact gives
all of you certain inherited rights of passage in evolution, that if
allowed joins you to a your bigger family out there you are apart,
versus what the management wants you to be. Those incharge do not want
you to become equal in any aspect to what they are. The design here is
to undermine your true worth, by creating a false concept of what you
have become by corrupting your evolution creating a false picture to
those coming of what you have become. Those behind this would paint a
picture of a savage unevolved creature of a low cast that are hostile
and inhuman to each other and the planet you call your home.
There is only one way humanity can survive the experiment of their
being created in Gods Image. That is to STOP following the dictates of
another and stand as you personally are, not allowing another to lead
you into the plans they create that will undermine what you really
are. That is why myself and others have stressed FOLLOW YOUR SPIRIT!
Not what another tells you. Think for yourself and stop allowing
yourselves to be lead around by your noses. Each of you must become
your own master, and not follow authority as the motivator of your
actions. Act only through your Spirit, in doing you are above the Gods
that created you, and who are corrupting you and in real terms trying
to destroy you.
In being a Spirit connected being you are a GOD in the true sense of
what it means to be a GOD. The Spirit of consciousness the definition
of GOD is LOVE. Each of you have this Spirit in you! DO NOT ALLOW it
to be corrupted by the authority that manages this planet and has in
the past/present continues to corrupted this planet. By following them
they have created mans inhumanity to man. Let your Spirit guide you in
love and refuse to follow the authority that is creating a "Hell of
suffering" on this planet. This Simple Statement Is your only chance
to rectify and justify your existence as a life form to continue as a
specie into the future. By following the management of this world you
will end your existence as a specie. This is their plan for your
future. Do Not Fall For It! Only Act in LOVE be what you are!!!
regards Kortron
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-> Posted by: kortron@appstate.campus.mci.net
The Controllers destroy themselves
From: kortron@appstate.campus.mci.net
Originally to: iufo@world.std.com
Original Date: Thu, 9 Jan 1997 10:38:30 -0500 (EST)
Let me tell you a secret. Everything they are doing amounts to zero!
Let me tell you why! The reason is whatever they do they cannot break
the human SPIRIT! It is not broken in me, or in anyone who understands
life as we do. No matter what insidious role they inflict in the end
it comes right back around to them. Why? Because after they take
everything away, and those not aware have reached clarity they have
been stripped of everything. What's left? What's left is this! A
person or group of people having lost everything have nothing left to
lose! This creates a formidiable foe the worst kind to thier plans.
Believe it or not, even they in creating the control cannot exist in a
society without cooperation of the people that supports them.
If a society is stripped of everything, it turns on the oppressor. It
has no reason to any longer follow the ideas it did before. Necessity
is the mother of invention, and it will change everything. Granted
they may exist for awhile with their army and the huge stock pile of
stored goods. But when it's gone! Their army then hungry, will then
turn on itself and those giving the orders.
When they destroy humanity they have destroyed thenmselves. But they
will never destroy the human SPIRIT, because it exists and returns no
matter what. Even the best plans sometimes do not work out in the end.
Remember the story of the flood and Noah? When the Ananaki returned
their food was gone and if it went as planned they would themselves
would have starved. But Noah fed them and mans worth was seen a
different way. What's different today? Think about it. Nothing really!
Laws only work when people obey them. Everyone knows you are guilty in
a situation gone amuck when there is a law against everything. Just
suppose this falls back on them, and there is nothing left to lose!
Just sit back nurture your Spirit, grin and know their end is near.
You need nothing but your Spirit! It will get through anything.
Hopelessness is the ROOT of change!
Last, fools rush in where wise men never tread! Hello One World Order
Fools. Your day approachs! Our Spirits are forever one. WE are the
future! You are the dust, the things coming that will create the soil
we grow our crops in and that feeds the future, the new world coming.
Peace and Love Kortron.
The People remove the control
From: kortron@appstate.campus.mci.net
Originally to: iufo@world.std.com
Original Date: Fri, 10 Jan 1997 09:04:33 -0500 (EST)
> Walter,
> Shhh! I am just trying to wake up the sleepers. I must admit that
> if the people are waking up in time, the old Republic will never
> die. But, being to sure won't help either. I have been doing this
> for 35 years, and I think there has been an effect from the efforts
> of us all, but I still talk to people like my barber who haven't a
> clue. And you know that since the housewives reelected Bill and
> Hillary, a bunch of people are still snoring softly, thinking that
> all is well.
(kor) I understand Byron. I too have been at it as long. My sentiments
are after centuries of every atrocity that could and did occur man has
survived. Granted the times ahead are slighted, secret and covert by
those running this planet.
I'm aware they have ALL the cards in the deck and do change the game
to instigate more control and suffering. But lets be alittle more
observant of history on this planet. What occured when bad management
got so bad things went amuck? They were BY THE PEOPLE removed. On
another note we are not alone as folks would believe. Actually human
kind exists out there and all over the Galaxy and in the universe.
My agressive nature is not as you are perceiving it. By approaching
you the way I am is simply to get you talking!! Why!! because there
are many, many more lurkers here who do not engauge in a discussion
carrying the facts that do create change back to their groups. By
being honest on a one on a one basis we are revealing things they need
to understand versus getting into any debate that looses the grit of
the info and distorts the real meaning and content of the information.
I understand your approach.
Just last night a young lad from San Francisco called. I did not
mislead him, but spoke as a father to a son. Aren't we Byron the
father Elders to the flock here? Aren't we the barers of the truth.
The wise ones where few exist. If you want me to back off I will. But
petty jabbering to those waking up wont do it. They need COLD FACTS
relating to the here and now. There are plenty of experts feeding them
a crock for personal gain, inflated Ego's and a host of other ailments
related to the times.
> Maybe the "Death Star" will be enough to bring it all to a head,
> but rough times are in the offing before the Lord God of Hosts
> comes to reinforce our embattled patriots.
(kor) Can I share a secret!? God is the SPIRIT of love in each of us.
Anything coming is not GOD. God exists but only as the Spirit of love
in creation. Each of us are God. We must see that before the power of
love can can kick in and correct any situation anywhere. That is the
Spirit of the human race!
That is the one thing the controler cannot corrupt. Now think here!
What was the first instilled law that those who took this planet and
now run this planet forbid! TALKING TO GOD! YOUR SPIRIT brother. Get
it? If we start following our Spirit they cannot control us or in
anyway bring their plans to fruitation. All the info in the world will
not change the world. But our Spirits WILL!
Now where are we taking these sleeping Gods? I'm bringing them home
and taking the first steps in what I myself came for! That is to
reinstate Heaven on Earth. Any Takers? Any Sleeping Gods out there?
Wake-up, Wake-up You are God. If it's broke SIMPLY say no more and Fix
it! It's who and what each of you are to Creation, and why you were
created as what you are!!!
Love Ya Brother, Kortron.
Humans: Unite & Don't Cowar!
Originally to: iufo@world.std.com
Original Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 08:57:07 -0500 (EST)
> Hi Folks,
> I'm just going to add my bit to Walter and Byron's conversation.
> Here in Georgia, there are many people who want to set me straight
> when I talk of aliens and the things we discuss regularly on this
> echo. I hear all the time about praying to Jesus (mainly) and to
> God, but there is one thing I never hear recommended out there from
> the everyday folk I am around - to differentiat e you guys, who are
> everyday folks on the internet I am around. When I suggest that
> perhaps they have been talking to God for so long that now it is
> maybe time to listen. Well, most people freak and a few chuckle,
> but most freak and say that God does not talk to people. I simply
> say listen and see. It is like they are afraid of what they will
> hear.
> My point: If you are talking, you are not listening.
(kor) Everyone aware KNOWS what time it is period! I for one would
feel discouraged if those awake did not rally to informing, no holes
barred the facts in the VERY short time left. The reason the
newsletter is late going out is because I know we have very little
time left to get the right stuff out there.
In my capacity I refuse to pull punchs and hope someone wakes up and
gets it. They will all get it very soon. One things certain! If we
listen to our Spirit, unite, and do not cowar we are on top of the
situation and not under the spell of the grim reeper.
There are two factions coming in. One the Queens of Orion, the other
right behind them the Adromedians, Syrians, Pliedians and the rest of
the good guys. We here on this planet need hold tough and not fall for
the Reptillian influence that has had this planet under it's control.
If we don't the human race has then created another enemy. They will
have one at their back here on this planet and created new ones coming
in that are allies right behind the Orion bunch. You want to end the
human race just follow those already present on Earth calling the
shots. It's that simple folks. THINK! Follow your inner SPIRIT!
Tomorrow will be different then today. Bet on it!
regards Kortron
From: kortron@appstate.campus.mci.net
Originally to: iufo@world.std.com
Original Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 09:12:01 -0500 (EST)
(kor) I guess the best way for me to relate is having for knowledge of
the conflict. Actually Earths inhabitants are merely pawns unaware of
the real picture. On another note I've been preparing for these events
for about twenty years now. Those around me know i'm on target on alot
of things not voiced here for the most part. Somany of the aware are
grouping now towards each other realising that strength lay in numbers
who have NOT lost hope, who know SPIRIT and who live in complete lack
of fear of the future. It was never my intent to frighten or create
fear in anyone. Each are the maker of their own movie! To roll over in
anothers script is slavery. To exist and be as a being of Light and
Love unscarthed by it all is to merely stand up and be what you are.
Hopelessness comes from giving yourself over to false beliefs that do
not hold up in any reality situation.
regards Walter.
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