is both principal of Imaginative Illustration and a computer consultant specializing in M programing and human-computer interface design.
In addition to his formal training and experience, he has held an amateur radio license, worked on a farm, blown glass, and repaired cars. He is also a history buff who has conducted tours of the Freedom Trail and the Minuteman National Park. Someday, when he isn't busy building web sites for others he'll get around to putting some graphics on this page.
When Aaron isn't working on technical illustrations or designing web sites or computer-human interfaces for one of his clients, he creates cartoons and designs sets for the M.I.T. Community Players. In addition, he serves as
Ruth Seidman (Aaron's wife) also has a home page at M.I.T., where she manages the Engineering and Science Libraries
Aaron and Ruth live in Brookline and have two sons (who no longer live in Brookline), Daniel, who works at Newscorp, and Joshua, who is at NCQA, and a daughter-in-law, Jocelyn Guyer (Joshua's wife) who works for the Committee on Budget Policies and Priorities.