HaYom On-line Hebrew Calendar

For Macintosh and Windows

We also have a collection of Jewish Java applets.

HaYom(tm) is a feature-packed Hebrew Calendar for the Macintosh (OS 9) and Microsoft Windows. This popular program is fun to use and educational.

HaYom Screen Shot

Among its many functions HaYom will:

The Macintosh version of HaYom runs on any Macintosh, Performa, Powerbook or compatible, under Systems 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9. It operates under Classic mode in MacOS-X. This means it will not run on the new Intel-base Macs at this time. The PC version requires Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows XP or Vista.

"This program is a winner. It provides valuable information for a reasonable price. You'll find that it's lots of fun as well as a handy reference tool." -- Carol S. Holzberg, CAJE Jewish Education News Click here for full text of her review


HaYom is now tzdakah-ware. Please make a contribution ot the charity of your choice ($18 suggested minimum per program), send me an e-mail confirming this (I don't wish to know the amount) and I will e-mail the program you request to you.

HaYom for Windows

HaYom for Mac OS 9

HaYom Candlelighting Time Java

HaYom Hebrew Date Conversion Java

Or send a note to:

A.G. Reinhold
14 Fresh Pond Place
Cambridge, MA, 02138, USA

Voice: 1 (617) 491-4937

Please specify whether you are ordering the Mac or Windows version! Also note that the Java applets are not JavaScript. If you'd like to purchase the HaYom Manual, a detailed 30 page instruction booklet filled with useful information about the Hebrew calendar, send me $5 via PayPal.

Sites Where You Can Find Your Longitude, Latitude, and Time Zone

You will need this information to set HaYom's Preferences for accurate sunrise, sunset and candle lighting times. Here are some on-line sources:

U.S. Census Bureau Gazetteer

Time Service Department of the US Naval Observatory

"Make HaYom your startup application and put some Yiddishkeit into your day!"

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HaYom is a trademark of A. G. Reinhold

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Rev. 2007-9-7