Exploring The Waste Land - Show supplementary text

Les Fleurs du Mal
Au Lecteur
Charles Baudelaire

English translations in notes windowBaudelaire's original French
N.R. ShapiroIn NOTES frame
W.A. SiglerIn DEFINTIONS frame
 In AUXILARY window

Sources for "Au Lecteur"

Charles Baudlaire's original French:
June 14, 2002

Norman R. Shapiro's English translation:
June 14, 2002

William A. Sigler's English translation:
June 14, 2002

The Shapiro and Sigler translations have copyright restrictions. The restrictions are noted at the bottom of the webpage for each translation.

The Shapiro translation also appears in:

Selected Poems from Les Fleurs du mal: A Bilingual Edition
by Charles Baudelaire
Translated by Norman R. Shapiro and with engravings by David Schorr
© 1998, University of Chicago Press. 248 pages, 18 engravings
Cloth ISBN: 0-226-03925-0
Paper ISBN: 0-226-03926-9

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