Exploring The Waste Land
An origin page linked from The Waste Land, Part IV, line 312
These lines came from Eliot's poem
Dans le Restaurant
written in French mid-1918.
The lines in The Waste Land are not an exact translation from
the original. The lines from Dans le Restaurant are:
- Phlebas, le Phénicien, pendant quinze jours noyé,
- Oubliait les cris des moutette et la houle de Cornouaille,
- Et les profits et les pertes, et la cargaison d'étain:
- Un courant de sous-mer l'emporta très loin,
- Le repassant aux étapes de sa vie antérieure.
- Figurez-vous donc, c'était un sort pénible;
- Cependant, ce fut jadis un bel homme, de haute taille.
Here is an English translation:
- Phlebas the Phoenician, drowned fifteen days,
- Forgot the cries of gulls and the swells of Cornish seas,
- and the profits and losses and the cargo of tin:
- A current carried him far,
- Took him back to stages of his previous life.
- Imagine it - a terrible end for a man once so handsome and tall.
As used in
The Waste Land:
- Phlebas the Phoenician, a fortnight dead,
- Forgot the cry of gulls, and the deep sea swell
- And the profit and loss.
- A current under sea
- Picked his bones in whispers. As he rose and fell
- He passed the stages of his age and youth
- Entering the whirlpool.
- Gentile or Jew
- O you who turn the wheel and look to windward,
- Consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you.
Exploring The Waste Land
File name: oq312.html
File date: Sunday, September 29, 2002
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