Warbird Series 9mm 1.3# EPP ME-109

Customers are always asking me "What do I need to complete this kit?"
This page contains all the pieces specifically for building and flying the 9mm EPP ME-109.
You will need batteries, a transmitter and a receiver as well.

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Picture of the EPP ME-109

The Battle of Britain foe of the Spitfire was the ME-109. We have produced a model of similar size and characteristics to our Spitfire. We have put the ease of keylocked foam cunstruction and the simplicity of flat foamies into a well performing version of this WWII classic. With our standard completer kit below you can get unlimited vertical performance and the great profile of the ME-109. We have remained true to the outlines of the plane while moving the hingelines to give great control in the air. As with our other models, our ME-109 instructions are supplied in paper form with the kit but are also available on the website with expanding color pictures of all the steps for clarity.

The EPP ME-109 YouTube video playlist.

This kit uses the Standard 9mm EPP completer below.

Flat Foamie Series 9mm EPP ME-109


Select prop based on 2S or 3S battery.

Creation date: Saturday January 28, 2017
Last updated: Thursday October 31, 2019

For more information send email to RA Cores

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