Hall of Fame Nominees
first-round nominees, BBWAA 2002
toward "Veterans" election 2003
Carl Mays finished 10th with 19.8% support in the 2003
Veterans election, which elected no one. Twenty five others among the
200 nominees survived the second round and thereby appeared on the ballot,
none from the 19th Century or the Deadball Era. Among the 26 on the ballot,
Ken Williams (MLB debut 1915) and Bob Meusel (1920) were important players
in the early 1920s.
200 Players active 1981 and earlier, classified by epoch
19th Century (15)
Deadball Era (24) (liberally defined)
1920s-1950s (105)
Expansion Era (56)
60 Contributors, unclassified Umpires, Managers, Executives
Players (200)
19th Century (15)
1880s -
Browning, Pete
p Buffinton, Charlie
p Caruthers, Bob
Glasscock, Jack
p Mullane, Tony
Stovey, Harry
p White, Will
1890s -
Cross, Lave
Dahlen, Bill
Donovan, Patsy
Hoy, Dummy
Long, Herman
Ryan, Jimmy
Tiernan, Mike
Van Haltren, George
Deadball Era, 1900s-1910s (24)
This class includes every nominee who was an important player in the
late 1910s, in my opinion, of whom several played longer during the
twenties than during the teens.
p Adams, Babe
Beaumont, Ginger
Burns, George H.
Burns, George J.
p Cooper, Wilbur
Cravath, Gavvy
Daubert, Jake
Groh, Heinie
Kling, Johnny
p Leever, Sam
McInnis, Stuffy
p Shawkey, Bob
p Mays, Carl
p Nehf, Art
p Phillippe, Deacon
Pipp, Wally
p Quinn, Jack
p Reulbach, Ed
Schang, Wally
p Shocker, Urban
p Tannehill, Jesse
Tenney, Fred
Veach, Bobby
Williams, Cy
1920s-1950s (105) single-column format
This class represents fewer than forty years, since
all significant Deadball Era players are listed above.
Adcock, Joe Fitzsimmons, Fred Lollar, Sherm Rommel, Eddie
Allen, Johnny French, Larry Lopat, Eddie Root, Charlie
Avila, Bobby Furillo, Carl Luque, Dolf Rosen, Al
Bartell, Dick Garcia, Mike Maglie, Sal Rowe, Schoolboy
Berger, Wally Gilliam, Junior Marberry, Firpo Runnels, Pete
Brecheen, Harry Gordon, Joe Marion, Marty Sain, Johnny
Bridges, Tommy Grimm, Charlie Martin, Pepper Sauer, Hank
Burdette, Lew Hack, Stan McCormick, Frank Schumacher, Hal
Bush, Guy Haddix, Harvey McDougald, Gil Sewell, Rip
Camilli, Dolph Harder, Mel McMillan, Roy Sievers, Roy
Case, George Heath, Jeff Meusel, Bob Simmons, Curt
Cavarretta, Phil Henrich, Tommy Meusel, Irish Stephens, Vern
Chandler, Spud Herman, Babe Miller, Bing Stephenson, Riggs
Chapman, Ben Higgins, Pinky Minoso, Minnie Temple, Johnny
Cooper, Mort Hodges, Gil Moore, Terry Thomson, Bobby
Cooper, Walker Jensen, Jackie Murphy, Johnny Travis, Cecil
Cramer, Doc Jethroe, Sam Myer, Buddy Trosky, Hal
Crandall, Del Johnson, Bob L. Newcombe, Don Trucks, Virgil
Dark, Alvin Judge, Joe Newsom, Bobo Vander Meer, Johnny
Derringer, Paul Kamm, Willie O'Doul, Lefty Vernon, Mickey
DiMaggio, Dom Keltner, Ken Parnell, Mel Walker, Dixie
Dykes, Jimmy Kluszewski, Ted Pesky, Johnny Walters, Bucky
Elliott, Bob Kremer, Ray Pierce, Billy Warneke, Lon
Ennis, Del Kuenn, Harvey Podres, Johnny Williams, Ken R.
Erskine, Carl Kuhel, Joe Raschi, Vic Wright, Glenn
Face, Elroy Law, Vern Reynolds, Allie York, Rudy
Ferrell, Wes
Expansion Era (56) single-column format
This class represents about twenty years, since anyone who played in
1982 or later is ineligible in 2003.
Allen, Dick Howard, Frank Pascual, Camilo
Alou, Felipe Jackson, Larry Perranoski, Ron
Bando, Sal Javier, Julian Perry, Jim
Beckert, Glenn Johnson, Davey Petrocelli, Rico
Bonds, Bobby Kessinger, Don Pinson, Vada
Boyer, Ken Lolich, Mickey Powell, Boog
Cardenas, Leo Maloney, Jim Richard, J.R.
Cash, Norm Maris, Roger Sanguillen, Manny
Colavito, Rocky Marshall, Mike G. Santo, Ron
Cuellar, Mike McCarver, Tim Scott, George
Davis, Tommy McDaniel, Lindy Stottlemyre, Mel
Davis, Willie McDowell, Sam Taylor, Tony
Flood, Curt McLain, Denny Torre, Joe
Freehan, Bill McNally, Dave Wills, Maury
Fregosi, Jim Messersmith, Andy Wood, Wilbur
Groat, Dick Miller, Stu Wynn, Jimmy
Hiller, John Munson, Thurman
Holtzman, Ken Oliva, Tony
Horton, Willie Osteen, Claude
Howard, Elston Pappas, Milt
Contributors (60)
I will be grateful for a classification by epoch (Deadball Era, etc)
or by function (Umpires, etc). single-column format
Ahe, Chris Von der Herrmann, Garry Pinelli, Babe
Autry, Gene Herzog, Whitey Quinn, John A.
Bavasi, Buzzie Heydler,John Reach, Alfred
Breadon, Samuel Houk, Ralph Reardon, Beans
Bronfman, Charles Howsam, Bob Richards, Paul
Busch, August Jr. Hutchinson, Fred Rigler, Cy
Bush, George W. Kauffman, Ewing Rigney, Bill
Craig, Roger Kuhn, Bowie Shibe, Ben
Dalton,Harry Lane, Frank Somers, Charles
Dinneen,Bill Martin, Billy Southworth, Billy
Dressen, Charlie Mauch, Gene Stallings, George
Dreyfuss, Barney Miller, Marvin Summers, Bill
Feeney, Chub Murtaugh, Danny Tallis, Cedric
Fetzer, John O'Day, Hank Tanner, Chuck
Finley, Charles O. O'Malley, Walter Tebbetts, Birdie
Galbreath, John O'Neill, Steve Tebeau, Patsy
Goetz, Larry Owens, Paul Weyer, Lee
Griffith, Calvin Palermo, Steve White, Bill
Haney, Fred Paul, Gabe Williams, Dick
Harvey, Doug Payson, Joan Wrigley, Phil
Acknowledgments. Dan Greenia notified the SABR-L community of
the first-round BBWAA nominations and asked a provocative question.
Elsewhere, he named the most worthy players whom the BBWAA overlooked,
in his opinion: one from the 19th century (Jim "Deacon" White) and
five from the 20th century (Sherry Magee, Charlie Keller, Larry Doyle,
Eddie Yost, and Joe Wood).
Last updated: 2003-04-30 (epilogue)
Paul Wendt
© Paul Wendt, 2002