Here are the 1901-1919 or "Deadball Era" career leaders in games played both in the outfield and at each of the three outfield positions separately. Each in turn is presented for the major leagues jointly and for the American and National Leagues separately (but not the Federal League separately). Essentially, this is a grand footnote to the Games Played by Fielding Position, which groups the three outfield positions together. In a sense, the Outfield Top 60 presented here is comparable to the Top 20 presented there for each of the six other fielding positions.
Notes continue below the tables.
Outfield Games Top 60
Left Field (major, AL, NL)
Center Field (major, AL, NL)
Right Field (major, AL, NL)
American League (of, lf, cf, rf)
National League (of, lf, cf, rf)
Summary data All OF Left Center Right Number of Leaders listed here 60 20 20 20 Number of Players, 1000+ Games 41 10 8 6 Games played by D.E. leader 2173 1675 1620 1675 Games played by D.E. 20th rank 1188 544 626 559 Top 60, Outfield Games during the Deadball Era Full-Career Distribution of OF Games Deadball Era Outfield Games %LF %CF %RF Sam Crawford 2173 + 6 21 73 Ty Cobb 1899 + 1 75 24 Sherry Magee 1861 + 86 7 7 Jimmy Sheckard 1740 89 1 10 Frank Schulte 1737 31 1 68 Clyde Milan 1669 10 86 5 Tris Speaker 1607 + 0 100 0 Harry Hooper 1498 - 3 1 96 Dode Paskert 1472 9 89 2 John Titus 1356 10 1 89 Zack Wheat 1350 - 100 0 0 Fred Clarke 1327 + 100 0 0 Duffy Lewis 1306 99 1 0 Cy Seymour 1280 - 1 82 17 Chief Wilson 1269 0 21 79 Topsy Hartsel 1251 93 3 4 Max Carey 1217 - 27 67 6 Burt Shotton 1214 47 47 6 maximum 47.5%, centerfield Jack Graney 1190 92 5 4 Bob Bescher 1188 88 10 2 Patsy Dougherty 1181 100 0 0 Red Murray 1171 27 13 61 Ginger Beaumont 1169 1 98 1 Roy Thomas 1160 5 94 1 Fielder Jones 1156 0 71 29 Joe Jackson 1144 + 45 11 43 maximum 45% Rube Oldring 1130 40 55 4 maximum 55% Charlie Hemphill 1111 4 52 45 maximum 52% Willie Keeler 1109 1 0 99 Mike Mitchell 1107 11 71 82 Gavy Cravath 1085 - 10 4 86 Johnny Bates 1080 20 60 20 George Browne * 1077 19 5 76 Tommy Leach 1075 - 7 92 1 Elmer Flick 1060 - 1 9 91 George Burns 1053 68 10 22 Matty McIntyre 1039 83 5 12 Amos Strunk 1026 11 72 17 Bobby Veach 1023 95 1 4 Davy Jones 1006 55 28 17 maximum 55% Jimmy Slagle 1005 44 51 5 maximum 51% Rebel Oakes * 970 1 97 2 Shano Collins * 928 10 22 68 Socks Seybold 913 1 4 95 Steve Evans 902 4 0 96 Tilly Walker 883 54 43 3 maximum 54% Les Mann * 851 51 30 20 maximum 51% Ping Bodie * 841 29 63 8 George Stone 837 97 0 3 Fred Snodgrass 818 13 79 9 Danny Hoffman * 809 10 79 12 Benny Kauff 802 4 88 8 Casey Stengel 781 1 23 76 Chick Stahl 776 6 60 34 Mike Donlin 769 33 39 28 maximum 39% Max Flack * 761 16 1 83 Beals Becker * 758 33 26 41 maximum 41% Bill Hinchman * 750 44 8 48 maximum 48% Bris Lord * 713 45 27 28 maximum 45% Key: + named to the Deadball Era Honor Roll, first 24 players - also named to the Deadball Era Honor Roll (50 players) *not selected as a "Deadball Star" (about 270 MLB players) Left Field Major Leagues LF Games American League National League Jimmy Sheckard 1675 Duffy Lewis 1291 Jimmy Sheckard 1675 Sherry Magee 1601 Patsy Dougherty 1181 Sherry Magee 1601 Zack Wheat 1348 Jack Graney 1113 Zack Wheat 1348 Fred Clarke 1323 Topsy Hartsel 1067 Fred Clarke 1323 Duffy Lewis 1291 Bobby Veach 1020 Bob Bescher 1052 Topsy Hartsel 1198 Matty McIntyre 856 George Burns 940 Patsy Dougherty 1181 George Stone 813 Max Carey 651 Jack Graney 1113 Jesse Burkett 564 Sam Mertes * 540 Bob Bescher 1052 Howie Shanks * 542 Spike Shannon * 532 Bobby Veach 1020 Burt Shotton 488 Frank Schulte 530 George Burns 940 Rube Oldring 455 Rube Ellis * 498 Matty McIntyre 856 Kip Selbach * 451 Les Mann * 444 George Stone 813 Davy Jones 449 Jimmy Slagle 426 Jesse Burkett 706 Joe Jackson 439 Possum Whitted * 422 Sam Mertes * 656 Birdie Cree 389 George Barclay * 381 Max Carey 651 Jimmy Callahan 388 Duff Cooley * 363 Kip Selbach * 576 Tilly Walker 297 Joe Connolly 334 Burt Shotton 555 Bris Lord * 295 Josh Devore * 328 Davy Jones 555 Ping Bodie * 288 Joe Kelley * 323 Frank Schulte 544 Jack McCarthy * 288 Red Murray 318 Howie Shanks * 542 Les Mann * 538 Spike Shannon * 532 Rube Ellis * 498 Jack McCarthy * 463 Rube Oldring 455 Joe Jackson 439 Jimmy Slagle 426 Possum Whitted * 422 Birdie Cree 389 *not selected as a "Deadball Star" (about 270 MLB players) Center Field Major Leagues CF Games American League National League Clyde Milan 1620 Clyde Milan 1620 Dode Paskert 1310 Tris Speaker 1602 Tris Speaker 1602 Ginger Beaumont 1146 Ty Cobb 1340 Ty Cobb 1340 Roy Thomas 1075 Dode Paskert 1310 Fielder Jones 1025 Cy Seymour 1072 Ginger Beaumont 1146 Amos Strunk 808 Tommy Leach 996 Cy Seymour 1075 Chick Stahl 775 Fred Snodgrass 666 Roy Thomas 1075 Joe Birmingham * 647 Rebel Oakes * 648 Fielder Jones 1026 Danny Hoffman * 636 Homer Smoot 643 Tommy Leach 996 Rube Oldring 626 Cy Williams 632 Rebel Oakes * 945 Charlie Hemphill 597 Hy Myers 615 Amos Strunk 808 Burt Shotton 594 Johnny Bates 596 Chick Stahl 775 Jimmy Barrett 592 Max Carey 569 Benny Kauff 699 Harry Bay 555 Solly Hofman 521 Fred Snodgrass 666 Happy Felsch 554 Jimmy Slagle 520 Joe Birmingham * 647 Tilly Walker 540 Benny Kauff 505 Johnny Bates 644 Dave Fultz * 493 John Dobbs * 494 Homer Smoot 643 Ping Bodie * 476 Edd Roush 454 Danny Hoffman * 636 Ollie Pickering * 461 Billy Maloney * 406 Cy Williams 632 Sam Crawford 445 Al Burch * 324 Rube Oldring 626 Charlie Jones * 443 Chief Wilson 270 Hy Myers 615 Edd Roush 603 Charlie Hemphill 597 Burt Shotton 594 Jimmy Barrett 592 Harry Bay 580 Max Carey 569 Solly Hofman 557 Happy Felsch 554 Tilly Walker 540 *not selected as a "Deadball Star" (about 270 MLB players) Right Field Major Leagues RF Games American League National League Sam Crawford 1675 Sam Crawford 1416 John Titus 1204 Harry Hooper 1408 Harry Hooper 1408 Frank Schulte 1129 John Titus 1204 Socks Seybold 870 Chief Wilson 1010 Frank Schulte 1189 Willie Keeler 838 Gavy Cravath 929 Willie Keeler 1096 Elmer Flick 787 Mike Mitchell 899 Chief Wilson 1010 Shano Collins * 692 George Browne * 773 Gavy Cravath 945 Joe Jackson 559 Red Murray 718 Elmer Flick 924 Buck Freeman 558 Tommy Griffith * 707 Mike Mitchell 905 Danny Murphy 551 Harry Lumley 700 Socks Seybold 870 Doc Gessler * 547 Casey Stengel 643 Steve Evans 862 Ty Cobb 540 Steve Evans 637 George Browne * 816 Eddie Murphy * 539 Cozy Dolan * 496 Red Murray 718 Danny Moeller * 525 Dave Robertson * 463 Tommy Griffith * 707 Danny Green 489 Max Flack * 450 Harry Lumley 700 Charlie Hemphill 471 Herbie Moran * 398 Shano Collins * 692 Ed Hahn * 421 Doc Miller * 395 Casey Stengel 643 Braggo Roth 412 Patsy Donovan 367 Doc Gessler * 602 Gus Williams * 381 Shad Barry * 367 Danny Murphy 597 Sam Rice * 344 Wilbur Good * 344 Joe Jackson 559 Elmer Smith * 338 Jimmy Sebring * 339 Danny Moeller * 559 Buck Freeman 558 Max Flack * 554 Ty Cobb 540 Eddie Murphy * 539 Cozy Dolan * 496 Danny Green 489 Patsy Donovan 487 Charlie Hemphill 471 Dave Robertson * 463 *not selected as a "Deadball Star" (about 270 MLB players) American League All Outfield Games Left Field Center Field Right Field Sam Crawford 1906 Duffy Lewis 1291 Clyde Milan 1620 Sam Crawford 1416 Ty Cobb 1899 Patsy Dougherty 1181 Tris Speaker 1602 Harry Hooper 1408 Clyde Milan 1669 Jack Graney 1113 Ty Cobb 1340 Socks Seybold 870 Tris Speaker 1607 Topsy Hartsel 1067 Fielder Jones 1025 Willie Keeler 838 Harry Hooper 1498 Bobby Veach 1020 Amos Strunk 808 Elmer Flick 787 Duffy Lewis 1306 Matty McIntyre 856 Chick Stahl 775 Shano Collins * 692 Jack Graney 1190 George Stone 813 Joe Birmingham * 647 Joe Jackson 559 Patsy Dougherty 1181 Jesse Burkett 564 Danny Hoffman * 636 Buck Freeman 558 Fielder Jones 1153 Howie Shanks * 542 Rube Oldring 626 Danny Murphy 551 Burt Shotton 1147 Burt Shotton 488 Charlie Hemphill 597 Doc Gessler * 547 Joe Jackson 1144 Rube Oldring 455 Burt Shotton 594 Ty Cobb 540 Rube Oldring 1130 Kip Selbach * 451 Jimmy Barrett 592 Eddie Murphy * 539 Topsy Hartsel 1111 Davy Jones 449 Harry Bay 555 Danny Moeller * 525 Charlie Hemphill 1111 Joe Jackson 439 Happy Felsch 554 Danny Green 489 Matty McIntyre 1039 Birdie Cree 389 Tilly Walker 540 Charlie Hemphill 471 Amos Strunk 1026 Jimmy Callahan 388 Dave Fultz * 493 Ed Hahn * 421 Bobby Veach 1023 Tilly Walker 297 Ping Bodie * 476 Braggo Roth 412 Shano Collins * 928 Bris Lord * 295 Ollie Pickering * 461 Gus Williams * 381 Elmer Flick 922 Ping Bodie * 288 Sam Crawford 445 Sam Rice * 344 Socks Seybold 913 Jack McCarthy * 288 Charlie Jones * 443 Elmer Smith * 338 Tilly Walker 883 Willie Keeler 849 Ping Bodie * 841 George Stone 837 Danny Hoffman * 809 Chick Stahl 776 Joe Birmingham * 712 Ollie Pickering * 706 Birdie Cree 689 Jimmy Barrett 688 *not selected as a "Deadball Star" (about 270 MLB players) Charlie Hemphill, Joe Jackson, Rube Oldring, Burt Shotton and Tilly Walker are listed at two positions. National League All Outfield Games Left Field Center Field Right Field Sherry Magee 1861 Jimmy Sheckard 1675 Dode Paskert 1310 John Titus 1204 Jimmy Sheckard 1736 Sherry Magee 1601 Ginger Beaumont 1146 Frank Schulte 1129 Frank Schulte 1662 Zack Wheat 1348 Roy Thomas 1075 Chief Wilson 1010 Dode Paskert 1472 Fred Clarke 1323 Cy Seymour 1072 Gavy Cravath 929 John Titus 1356 Bob Bescher 1052 Tommy Leach 996 Mike Mitchell 899 Zack Wheat 1350 George Burns 940 Fred Snodgrass 666 George Browne * 773 Fred Clarke 1327 Max Carey 651 Rebel Oakes * 648 Red Murray 718 Chief Wilson 1269 Sam Mertes * 540 Homer Smoot 643 Tommy Griffith * 707 Max Carey 1217 Spike Shannon * 532 Cy Williams 632 Harry Lumley 700 Red Murray 1171 Frank Schulte 530 Hy Myers 615 Casey Stengel 643 Bob Bescher 1171 Rube Ellis * 498 Johnny Bates 596 Steve Evans 637 Ginger Beaumont 1169 Les Mann * 444 Max Carey 569 Cozy Dolan * 496 Roy Thomas 1160 Jimmy Slagle 426 Solly Hofman 521 Dave Robertson * 463 Tommy Leach 1075 Possum Whitted * 422 Jimmy Slagle 520 Max Flack * 450 Cy Seymour 1075 George Barclay * 381 Benny Kauff 505 Herbie Moran * 398 Mike Mitchell 1054 Duff Cooley * 363 John Dobbs * 494 Doc Miller * 395 George Burns 1053 Joe Connolly 334 Edd Roush 454 Patsy Donovan 367 Johnny Bates 1021 Josh Devore * 328 Billy Maloney * 406 Shad Barry * 367 Jimmy Slagle 1005 Joe Kelley * 323 Al Burch * 324 Wilbur Good * 344 Gavy Cravath 989 Red Murray 318 Chief Wilson 270 Jimmy Sebring * 339 George Browne * 942 Fred Snodgrass 818 Casey Stengel 781 Beals Becker * 758 Les Mann * 721 Tommy Griffith * 707 Cozy Dolan * 705 Harry Lumley 700 Mike Donlin 695 Cy Williams 693 *not selected as a "Deadball Star" (about 270 MLB players) Jimmy Slagle is listed at two positions.
Acknowledgments. The source of underlying season statistics is The Baseball Database, version 5.2 (lahman_52), 2005. "Games Played by Fielding Position" is derived from a slightly different STATS, Inc. database, 1998.