up to Deadball Era Resources

Deadball Stars of the American League

91 authors contributed biographies to Deadball Stars of the American League (SABR, forthcoming), edited by David Jones. 13 authors contributed team lineups for one or more seasons. These author lists supplement the contents by Subject, which includes biography subjects, baseball roles and author names. (Several other Deadball Era Committee members, not listed here, also contributed to the book.)

Biography Authors, Deadball Stars of the A.L.

    Able, Stephen               Gordon, Peter               Sallee, Eric           
    Altieri, Vincent            Grahek, Mike                Sallee, Paul           
    Anderson, Dave              Hamlet, Stanton             Sandoval, Jim          
    Andresen, Paul              Hauser, Chris               Santry, Joe            
    Anselmo, Ray                Heiselman, John             Schimler, Stuart       
    Armour, Mark                Holmes, Dan                 Schul, Scott           
    Auger, Dennis               Husman, John                Schuld, Fred           
    Bennett, John               Jensen, Don                 Semchuck, Allan        
    Bernstein, Sam              Jones, David                Simon, Tom             
    Bigelow, Robert W.          Kohout, Martin              Simpkins, Terry        
    Bishop, Bill                Krah, Steve                 Simpson, John          
    Boyer Sagert, Kelly         Lamberty, Bill              Skipper, Doug          
    Bunting, Tony               Leidy, John                 Smiley, Richard        
    Carey, Charles              Levitt, Dan                 Southwick, David       
    Cicottelo, David            Louisa, Angelo              Spatz, Lyle            
    Constantelos, Steve         Macht, Norman               Stahl, John            
    Cooper, Brian               Marini, Matt                Staley, Nathaniel      
    Davis, Aaron                McElreavy, Wayne            Steinberg, Steve       
    Desrochers, Dan             McMurray, John              Stevens, Brian         
    DiCicco, Nicole             Mittermeyer, Paul           Strecker, Trey         
    Dunkle, Jon                 Morgan, Kent                Swift, Tom             
    Elfers, Jim                 Moyes, Jim                  Thomas, Joan           
    Enders, Eric                Nelson, Rod                 Thomson, Cindy         
    Finkel, Jan                 Nitz, Jim                   Tourangeau, Dixie      
    Fleitz, David               O'Brien, Dan                Turner, Scott          
    Fletcher, David             O'Leary, Bob                Ulrey, Adam            
    Foster, Mike                Okkonen, Mark               Wendt, Paul            
    Geiszler, Don               Reed, Elizabeth             Williams, Christopher  
    Ginsburg, Dan               Rogers, Paul                Wood, Alex             
    Goldfarb, Irv               Saccoman, John              Wood, Allan            
                                                            Zingg, Paul            

A.L. Team Lineup Authors

    Anderson, Dave
    Foster, Mike
    Jacobson, Len
    Jones, David
    Lesch, R.J.
    Louisa, Angelo
    Marini, Matt
    Miller, Sheldon
    Sandoval, Jim
    Schechter, Gabriel
    Smiley, Richard
    Wendt, Paul
    Wood, Allan
Acknowledgments. Lyle Spatz coordinated Assignments for Deadball Stars of the A.L..

Last modified: 2006-11-12 (final list of authors)
Paul Wendt
© Society for American Baseball Research, 2006